Chapter 34 - Swimming Lessons

2598 Words

Seth I had been keeping an eye on Rhi and Jay as they sparred. I couldn't help the growl that escaped with the first blow. Jay wasn't holding back with her. On the other hand, I was impressed that she kept going, filled with pride as I watched. I could have killed Jo when I found out it was all her idea. She could have at least linked me and asked what I thought first. I mean, Rhi has only been here for a couple of days. The rest of us stopped our own training to watch Rhi and Jay. Everything seemed to happen before I could even react. Jay had Rhi pinned, and my brain told me it was a bad idea. Lucius swore in the back of my mind, making my feet move before Jay even called for me. "Whoa .... Seth!" No sooner did he yell my name, I had grabbed hold of him and threw him off of Rhi. I

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