Chapter 2 - Finals

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Rhiannon It was an oddly chilly morning for late May and the fog was thick and heavy. I stood outside waiting for the teachers to let us all in, happy that I wore a hoodie even though my hands were still freezing. But it's finally the last day of final exams, and I'm looking forward to being done with this year. All I want to do is saddle up Dub, ride over to Gram's, and get away from Catherine for a little bit. It seems like nothing I do is right nor good enough and she is constantly demanding more. Most kids get to enjoy their adolescence a little, but I guess that's not for me. She's now expecting me to help pay bills on top of chores and I don't know where I'm going to find the time to work more than I am after summer. For now, I help a neighbor around their place, making just enough cash to pay for my own necessities. Plus, they give me extra fruits and vegetables from their garden, which is a nice bonus. I had to ask another neighbor if they had some odd jobs just so I could make a little extra to pay for my damaged books. I just about gagged on my own spit when my teacher told me the history book alone was $125. Another reason that I'm looking forward to summer is that I plan on working at a nearby dairy farm. It's nothing extravagant, but there's not a lot of choices in our small valley. It'll be decent money for hard work, I'll basically get to be outside, can ride Dub there, and just leave him in one of the pastures while I work. The best part? I won't have to deal with a bunch of people! I was zoning out about the summer ahead, unknowingly clicking my pen with my right hand while my left thumb and pinky were spinning the old silver colored ring I kept on my left ring finger. I found the ring in my grandma's woods years ago. There's some old writing on it, but I'm clueless about what it means. Keeping my hands busy seems to help keep my anxiety in check for the most part, so I wear it daily. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed Laura standing in front of me, batting her big brown eyes at me like she was innocent. "Hey, Rhi. Can I call you Rhi?" I let out a small breath of air, fighting the urge to punch her. "I'd really prefer that you didn't". My voice was cold and monotone as I wondered what the annoying head cheerleader wanted. Laura was short, at about 5 ft. Ok, so, all the other girls in school were short compared to me, but that's besides the point. She had naturally tanned skin and straight dark brown hair. Being the most popular girl in school, she was literally the complete opposite of me in every way. "Well, Rhi, I just wanted to come over and apologize for when Tim and I drove past you and he splashed you. I saw you paying back the teachers for your damaged books and I just felt SO HORRIBLE. I couldn't believe Tim did that. I'm SO happy that I broke up with him. Are we good?" Laura batted her stupid eyes again. Last day, it's the last day, don't punch her. Only remembering seeing a girl laughing hysterically from the passenger seat, I honestly didn't even know that it was Laura. If she didn't come to me with the fake apology, I still wouldn't know who it was. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't feel like dealing with it right before our last exam. "Yeah, sure." I couldn't help the confused look on my face, as I just wanted her to go away. "Oh, good!" Laura replied, a little too excitedly for my liking. "I'm so happy that's past us! You know, I always got the impression that you hate me. I mean, I can't imagine why though?" Great, here we go. Why can't they just leave me alone. "Laura, I don't hate you ....." I started, but was soon interrupted. "See, I always thought that you wanted Tim and were jealous of me. I mean, I can't blame you. He's a GREAT looking guy! He's just not the quarterback, you know? Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm done with him. If you want him, you can have him. If you think you're good enough, that is." Laura had an evil glare as I squinted at her, trying to figure out her game. Then I noticed the small group of cheerleaders standing nearby with matching evil grins. There it is, I'm their free entertainment, yet again. I didn't even want Tim. I mean, yeah, he was good looking. He was a linebacker on our football team and built like it. He was about the same height as me, with black hair and brown eyes. But I didn't think about dating anyone in school. They all seemed so .... petty? Immature? Both? Ignorant? The girls always harassed me and the boys were only nice when no one else was around. I knew what they wanted. I was blonde but not dumb. I remembered how I once dropped a handful of books as I was juggling them into my backpack. Tim's locker is close to mine since our last names are close together, mine being Brink and his Brotzman. He had automatically bent over and picked them up and I thanked him, not thinking anything of it. But Laura made a big deal by loudly sneering "Oh, how kind of you to pick up high water's books! Though, she could stand to burn those extra calories it would have taken to pick them up herself!" Yeah, that's the type of I'm used to. Tim and Laura only dated for the second half of the school year. She seemed to switch boyfriends about every 6 months. If she keeps it up, she's going to have a different type of itch that only medication will be able to scratch, but it'll be her karma. Lately I've been on edge and feeling quick to snap. I've also been getting random sharp stomach pains. PMS maybe? Stress? Maybe if I'm lucky, it's my body giving up on me and I'll be able to be done with this hell on earth. Doubt it. Doesn't matter. I've had enough of the bullshit and I really don't feel like playing whatever game they have going on. With a deadpan look on my face, I batted my own blue eyes and put on my own evil grin, mocking her. "I don't HATE you. Hate would imply that I have some type of emotion towards you, when I don't. You're nothing to me. You're no one of any importance. The only thing that you are, is a b.itch that gets her rocks off sleeping her way through the football team and degrading others to make herself feel better." The doors to the school opened, catching my attention as one of the teachers called us in. I looked back to Laura, enjoying her shocked expression while I ended our conversation. "It looks like we can finally go in and get this exam over with. Thanks for letting me express myself. I enjoyed it. Good luck." I turned on my heel and started briskly walking inside, making it a point to look straight ahead, when someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me just before I entered the building. I looked to my right to see Tim staring at me with his hand still on my wrist. Not in the mood, I grabbed his arm with my left hand to remove it. "Holy your hand is cold!" he quickly retracted his arm and started rubbing it while staring at me. "You should just be thankful that you had ahold of my hand holding the pen, otherwise you'd be complaining about a little more than a cold touch." I snipped out with an almost threatening tone. I could feel my heartbeat picking up and I started playing with my ring again to try to prevent a panic attack. That's the last thing I wanted. Tim I took a couple of seconds to try to gather my composure. Usually Rhiannon was quiet and didn't retaliate. Most of the guys in school wanted her, and I wasn't any different. Despite the fact that she didn't wear flattering clothes, she was still sexually appealing. You can't deny the hidden curves. Don't even get me started on gym class when we have to go swimming. You wouldn't believe the disgusting things we had to think about to keep our erections in check when we saw her in a swimsuit. But she was untouchable. It was social suicide to communicate with her in the public eye unless you were harassing her. It doesn't mean we didn't try to talk to her when no one was around. We all wanted the bragging rights of nailing the challenge. There was something about her that drew you in, while at the same time pushing you away. I honestly didn't know why I was talking to her in front of everyone now. Maybe it was the fire in her eyes, literally, or the simple fact I knew it would piss off Laura. Both, it was both. "I didn't know your eyes had gold flecks?" That was all that I could mutter out. Stupid. "What? I know this isn't about my eye color." Rhiannon's tone was now impatient on top of threatening. "Sorry. I, uh, I, I, I just wanted to apologize." Since when did I have a stutter? "You just did." Rhiannon squinted her eyes at me, and I half expected daggers to be thrown as the wind picked up, moving the fog along. "No, about splashing you. Laura thought it'd be funny, but it was a d.ick move." I did laugh at first, until I saw her flip us off in my review mirror. Then I was fascinated by her hidden boldness. Greater challenge accepted. "Seriously? You don't apologize for something you deliberately do. Save it. Besides, it's probably the only way you can make a woman wet." Wow. Ok. So that was a low blow. I watched her chest rise and fall a couple of times as she slowly inhaled before she went inside. Rhiannon I was done. With everything. With all of them. All of a sudden, I felt the cool breeze. It smelled rustic. Like woods on the edge of a field with wild lavender and lemon balm after a rainstorm. It smelled like Gram's. I took a couple of deep breaths as it calmed me, then I went inside the school and took a seat at one of the desks set up in the gymnasium. Leaving the drama outside, I was eager to get this all over with. All I wanted was to get to Gram's. I don't visit there as much as I'd like to, and the desire hit hard, like being homesick. - A few hours later, the bell rang, alerting everyone that our final exam was over. I flipped my test over as instructed, grabbed my backpack from under my chair, and left the school as quickly as I could. Once outside, I pulled out my phone, put in one of my earbuds, and started my music. After the morning I had, I needed to listen to something to help calm my nerves. Maybe a little Beethoven? Few knew that I suffered from anxiety. I hid it well for the most part. But when things built up I'd have a panic attack. Luckily, they always seemed to hit behind closed doors at home. I'd just feel completely overwhelmed by life. A mixture of I didn't belong where I was and that I was a failure. Which Catherine seemed to take advantage of. She excelled at the guilt trip game, making me feel like I owed her my servitude since she gave birth to me and that I was worthless if I didn't do what was expected. News flash, I didn't ask to be born. But the guilt trips still worked. When I was younger, l'd hyperventilate so much that I'd pass out. One day, a panic attack started when I was walking up the stairs of the front porch. I tried to hurry to get inside and up to my room, but instead I ended up tripping up the stairs. Yeah, I'm that graceful and it's why I don't play sports. When I went to fall into the door, I put my arms out to catch myself but ended up putting my right arm through the window instead, deeply cutting myself in the process. This ended up snapping me out of the panic attack, but it somehow started a bad cycle of self harm when one hit. A familiar car stopped on the side of the road just ahead of me, getting my attention. I sighed as Tim got out and walked up to me, stopping me in my tracks. We just stared at each other for what felt like forever. "Anything I can help you with, or do you just plan on wasting my time some more?" I snipped through gritted teeth. "What? No. I seriously wanted to apologize and make it up to you." Before I could do anything, he grabbed my phone and looked up my number. "I'll text you some time during summer break, if you don't want to talk to me, just block me. Easy enough, right?" "Yeah, right." I replied sarcastically, grabbing my phone back and putting it in my hoodie pouch. Tim got back in his car and drove off. I wondered what the hell that was about as I continued my walk home. - Once home I noticed Catherine was there and I felt a knot form in my stomach. Now was the time to rip off the band-aid. "Hey mom?" I called out, secretly hoping I wouldn't get an answer. "Oh, hey, is testing done?" Ah, she's in the kitchen. I made my way there to see her pulling out take-out food from a bag for herself. I noticed she didn't bother getting anything for me. Big surprise. She seemed to live off of that crap and rarely brought me anything. "Yep, the last one was today." "Well, that's good. You still need to take care of the horses for tonight, right? It also looks like there are some house chores that still need done, especially laundry. I'm working the late shift tonight, so make sure you take care of the dogs, too. When are you starting your new job? I noticed the car needs an alignment and I could really use the extra money to get it done." I was starting to get sick of her Today really wasn't the day for 101 questions. "Well, mom, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm going to spend a couple of weeks at Gram's ...." She quickly spun around, her face was red with anger and her short brown hair now out of place from her violent turn. "What?!? I don't think so! We need the money ASAP!" Catherine's voice was loud and shrill, reminding me of Laura. "Mom, I talked to the Jones', and they're fine without help until I get back." "Do you hate me?!?" "What?!? No!" Ok, so, maybe I do. Just a little. But her question came out of left field. "YOU DO! YOU HATE ME! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU TO DESERVE THIS?!? I tell you I need something, and you just don't care! After all I've done for you?!" "Mom, stop ...." I calmly said, trying to get her to be rational, while my own heartbeat quickened. "No! You hate me! You would rather go and spend time doing nothing at your grandmother's instead of helping me!" "Catherine! ENOUGH!" Did I just growl? Seriously, my throat hurts after that. But, I wasn't having any of it. Not after the drama this morning. I was on a mouthing off roll. Plus, she was seriously off her rocker. "I'm going to spend a couple of weeks at Gram's before I start working at the farm. I just need some time to myself before I start working. Plus, it's my birthday next week, and I want to spend it with Gram. I'm riding Dub over, so you don't have to worry about driving me. The dogs can even come with me if you don't want to deal with them. The only thing you'll have to worry about is checking on the horses and Kurtz's livestock." She formed a tight thin line with her lips, her brown eyes bloodshot from her outburst, and her normally pale skin still red with anger. She spun back around towards her food. "Fine." Her voice was flat and cold. I often wondered how I could be related to this woman and if I was switched at birth. I sighed as I walked upstairs to change my clothes, then started over to the barn to take care of the horses. Maybe, if I hang out at the barn long enough she'll be gone by the time I get back. I pondered what I might be able to make for dinner and remembered that I might still have some meat in the freezer from the Kurtz's. They've been nice enough to let us keep the horses there as long as I take care of their cattle and pigs that they raise for meat. I'm there for the horses anyway, so it's not a big deal. They also give me what extra meat they have after they butcher, win-win. - When I got home, Catherine was gone and a note was left on the kitchen counter. "Don't worry about the dogs, they can stay. Make sure you get your chores done before you leave. There will be things to discuss when you get back." I read the note out loud, then crumpled it up and threw it away. "Looking forward to it." I said aloud with sarcasm. After I fixed my dinner and got my house chores done, I packed my bag for a 2 week stay at Gram's and got ready for bed. I set the alarm on my phone for 4 AM as I planned on getting a head start on the day. As I was lying in bed, another sharp pain formed within me, this time burning me to the core. I curled up in the fetal position and tried rocking away the pain. "This isn't PMS." I quietly choked out.
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