When they got home to her place after the long dinner with Voltaire's elders, Voltaire immediately washed up his already sleepy son so he could already take a good night rest. He also freshened up himself while Iryn checked on her sister at Grace's place. His first impression on her residence was – Your home is very clean and organized, Iryn. Wallace and I are a bit disorderly. That is why Yaya Guada works for us. Your clothes are also well organized. But there is this portion which is not. I guess, Ivy is as disorganized as we are. You don't seem to have so many clothes. Your walk in closet still has a lot of unoccupied space. Your vanity table does not have much cosmetics except for a lip balm, hand and body lotion, SPF lotion, and an organic hair shine serum. Your jewelry box only co