Part 13

2670 Words

TASHA “Vilkas,” I called him again. His eyes became more pitch-black and ferocious as he began wagging and struggling desperately against the chains. As colossal as him, I should have been running away from him by now, but afflictions stirred within me at the sight of his vividly pained, poor beast, clashing against his manacles. With leaden steps, I approached him. I spied on the wolf’s proximate actions as I took my time. What if he freed himself and charged at me, ate me, and finally killed me? I shuddered at the possibility. Such a spine-chilling thought. I clicked my tongue. Vilkas wouldn’t do that, would he? I gasped in surprise when he growled loudly as I got very close to him. I puffed out a light breath. Shaking off the little timidity, I touched the fur on his body, elicit

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