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“Tueur, how nice of you to come back home. Where have you been?” On hearing his name, Tueur halts, turning to the passageway of the castle and smiles at the ginger hair girl walking up to him.  “Just here and there, Elsie, when did you come back from Ufa?” Tueur asks, embracing his sister.  “Just two days ago, I was told you were out on an errand. How come you run errands for three days?” Elsie questions as the two siblings walk down the long passage of the castle. “Something came up, didn’t you go to Ufa for you honeymoon, why are you back so soon and where is that loser you call your husband?” Tueur responds and his sister Elsie hits his arm playfully.  “He is not a loser, besides father kept calling for me to come back home. I tried ignoring his calls for a few days, but that old man is persistent. Barwin is in our quarters resting.” “Lazy ass, and he is a loser. Only losers fall in love. That aside, I hope you enjoyed yourselves.?” Tueur comments, winking at his sister as they step into the large family living space.  “Yes, we enjoyed ourselves. You need to get rid of that ill idea you have about love. Falling in love doesn’t make you a loser. In fact, it takes an inordinate amount of strength to love someone else just as much as you love yourself. It takes courage and you seem like the loser here, given how you are so scared of love. “ Elsie responds, tracing her steps to the mini kitchen, and Tueur scoffed.  “I am not afraid of love, just don’t need any reason to tie myself down to one person when I can have any ass I want. In case you don’t know it takes strength to ignore what the heart wants.” Tueur responds. “Speaking of being a w***e, I bet you spent the last three days fvcking any living thing you can find, didn’t you?” Elsie says, and the brother frowns, pouring himself a drink of the liquid stored in the refrigerator. “I don’t fvck every living thing there is on earth, you saying it like sounds like I fvck animals too. I only interest in any person walking on two legs, humans or whatnot and I have taste.” Elsie scoffs at Tueur’s reply, rolling her eyes as he takes a drink from his cup. “Whatever when will stop being a man w***e and settle down with someone?” Elsie asks and Tueur laughs. “When I find the right one for me, which won’t be happening in centuries to come, little sister.” “Take life more serious than you are doing right now.” Elsie tells him, shaking her head. “You will not tell me that life is short, anyway you know that doesn’t apply to us now that we are on the topic. I met a girl three days ago.” “No, I do not wish to listen to your stories about your s*x life save it for Dragožani.” Elsie says, shaking her head and waving her hand in disapproval. “Dragozani? that wall of brick. We both know talking to him is like talking to nothing. Back to what I intended to say. I did not have s*x with the girl. I have a type.” Tueur replies and the sister nods. “That’s a first, for you not having s*x in one night, so if she is not your type, why are we discussing her?” “Who said I didn’t have s*x that night? s*x happened, not with her though, and I never mentioned that she isn’t my type. We are discussing her because there is something about her.” Elsie shakes her head in pity at Tueur’s responds, but paid attention anyway, even if she hates admitting that her older brother is a douche. “So what is it about her that stopped you from having s*x with her?” “Not having s*x with her was a decision I made. She seemed like a good girl. At some point I thought she lost her way or something. Everything about her was super weird. I met her in front of that famous club in Saturn’s-Star called Sin city. Mistook her for a hooker and she corrected me on that. Conversations with her were quite funny, because she kept asking questions. Like asking me what’s a phone? What’s internet and other things.” “Wait.” Elsie says, holding her hand out as she laughed lightly. “That makes little sense. How can anyone in this age not know what phone and internet are? Is she living under the rock?” Elsie asks, and Tueur laughed.  “I ask myself the same question. According to her, she is from far away, from what I could deduce. She seemed like one of those kids, heavily sheltered. You know the ones their parents to allow them to go out or do anything.” “I wonder why they wouldn’t allow her access to basic gadgets like the phone, so what happened to her, did you leave her at Sin City?” Elsie asks, and Tueur shakes his head. “Of course not. I offered to take her some place fun just to know her about. I ended up taking her shopping, bought her ice.” “You took her shopping? Okay, that’s news. You never take girls out on simple dates or even shop anything for them.” Elsie points out, and Tueur sighed. “Weird right? I know. My bank account is weeping from how much I spent on the things she bought. The worst part is I couldn’t say no to her. When she asks, something pushes me to agree. It was as if she used charm on me or something. I even ended up giving her a key to the penthouse.” Tueur explains, frowning as he remembers the encounter from two nights ago.  “You gave her key to the penthouse? Which one? It better not be...” “It is. I can’t even explain what brought me to. She talked about not having a place to sleep, and I felt the need to keep her safe.” Tueur explains and Elsie sighs. “Dragožani will kill if he finds out you gave the key to his penthouse to a total stranger. And what is this about being charmed by her?” “Well, he won’t find out. Yes, I felt a strange energy from her, but there wasn’t enough time for me to find out if she was human or not. I had a deadline to keep, so I left after she settled in but as soon as I left her presence it felt as though something lifted off my shoulders.” “How does she look? Physically.” Elsie asks, and Tueur lets his mind wander back to the moment he first saw Lorelei. “That, I can’t find words to describe her beauty. It was beyond anything human. She looked_ her face, figure, she looked out of this world.” Tueur says, not finding the right words to describe Lorelei. “Are you sure she is not a Charodeyka?” Elsie asks, and Tueur shakes his head. “That’s impossible she can’t be an enchantress. Remember the scriptures? Warlocks wiped them out. Not one of them remained.” Tueur says and Elsie bites her lips in thoughts. “That has to be the only explanation I have for this. Only Charodeykas can charm anyone into doing their bidding. If she isn’t a Charodeyka, what is she then?” Elsie asks, and Tueur frowns, thinking hard. “I don’t know, but I’ll find out when next I see her. I have the feeling she would come to Sin City again. Something about the place fascinates her. And she talks really weirdly, her choice of her words, are what people from the 60s would say.” Tueur says, just as someone walks into the kitchen and both siblings give each a knowing look. “Brother, it’s nice to see you up and about today.” Tueur says, with an exaggerated enthusiasm. “Cousin. I am not your brother.” The man called Dragozani replies, walking past the siblings. “Hello big brother.” Elsie says, and Dragožani glares deathly at her. “Elsie not you.” Dragozani responds, taking a bottle of water from the freezer and Elsie smiles, going to hug him, and the buff man steps back. “I don’t do unnecessary intimacy.” Dragozani says pushing his hand out to step the ginger haired girl. “Well, thought you changed over the weeks. How have you been?” Elsie asks. “Alive.”  Dragozani responds before walking out of the kitchen, living the siblings to whatever they were doing. “Such an ass. Carries himself all around the place like he is a big deal.” Tueur scoffs, and Elsie glares at her brother. “He is a big deal. Stop being jealous for no reason because he is cool without trying. Besides, he is a decent man compared to the w***e you are.” Elsie says, and Tueur bursts into a fit of laughter. “What did you just call Dyck decent? Oh, because he doesn’t brag about his s****l conquest like I do, he is more of a man slut.” Tueur says, and Elsie scoffs. “Quit trying to make him look bad. Drago doesn’t just plummet anything he sees, besides he has a few number of women he does it with, compared to you who change girls every night. So for our kind he is a decent man.” “Whatever, you’ll pick your cousin over your own brother?” Tueur says, shaking his head. “He is also my brother, and I didn’t pick him over you, just stating facts. Anyway, do some findings about your mysterious lover. My husband needs me.” Elsie says, pushing off the kitchen counter. “She is not my lover, and please keep your voices down when you do it. I do not want to hear my little sister moaning.” Tueur says to Elsie’s retreating figure, and she gave him the middle finger in return.  “Greetings my prince.” Tueur nods at the bearer, bowing before him in respect. “What is it?” “The king requests for your presence.” The bearer responds head still bowed. “Where is he?” Tueur asks. “In his inner chambers.” The bearer responds and Tueur nods. “Do you have anything else to get to at the moment?” Tueur asks, and the bearer shakes his head. “No, my prince.” “Good, go to my chambers, clean yourself and wait for me.” He tells the bearer whose heart jumped at the instructions. Only a few bearers in the castle know what those words means. Prince Tueur never tells you to wait in his chambers and you walk out straight. Male or female, if he wants you, he would have you.  “Yes, my prince.” The bearer says in a shaky voice before departing from Tueur’s presence and he makes his way towards the stairs that lead to Tueur’s quarter in the castle.   ***************** ********************
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