2361 Words

||*LORELEI*|| ‘Take me to the ocean. I need the strength of the ocean. If you take me there, I can absorb the life force of the ocean please hurry.’ I don’t know how I could speak to him through my mind, but I was glad I could at the moment. Laying by the door lifeless made me crave life so bad, just so I could save the child in me. I had wished Tueur would sense my presence and come into the room, but he didn’t. And when the door finally opened to Dragozani, relief washed over me. While he scrambled all over the place to get my energy back, I was loosing more by the minute. I didn’t know he could be so gentle. The genuine panic and regret I saw in his eyes when I opened mine faintly saddened my heart. I couldn’t even blame him anymore, because it was my carelessness with words. It s

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