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||*DRAGOZANI*|| Following Aunt Galina’s instruction, I took my time to soak and relax in the hot tub, leaving myself open for the water to wash away the negative energy wearing down my spirit before washing my body clean and got dressed. I grew up this castle without knowing the true identity of my mother. All I had father, who passed away even before I could learn what it was to be born from a long bloodline of the first vampire to walk the universe. They brought aunt Galina to the castle after father’s death and she has since been the parent I didn’t have anymore. Days where I broke out in fever as a young child which is unusual for our kind, aunt Galina would wait my bed, tending to my sore throat and flaming body. Going back and forth to the forest for herbs to make into concoctions to calm my fever, as a child I never understood why I always caught the flu whilst other kids in the palace ran around in good health. Aunt Galina said I am the only left of my kin, and my subconscious misses the warmth of my father, natural for our kind. We need to bask in the warmth of either our mother or father before a certain age. But I lost both of mine too early, mother unknown, and I was barely five when father died, but I still remember that day like yesterday. The events of the night of father’s death, the things I saw even though no one believed me, they tagged me as the deranged crowned prince. My fever outbreaks stopped when when I came of age and how was I found out about my difference from my clan. Every descendant of Ambrogio, the first vampire, are sanguine vampire demigods, although the demigod gene declined with each generation and now no one possesses the abilities of a demigod like our ancestors did and it the gift of of producing stopped a century ago following a prophecy that aunt Galina refused to tell me. Aunt Galina taught me this, told me our history in place of my mother, yet unlike my bloodline, I wasn’t born sanguine, feeding on my blood never satiates me because I am a Psi-Vampire the type that extract life energy from people, which enables me to keep living. That was the reason I kept having fever outbreaks as a child. I need the life force of my parents as strength to live while they feed on blood, but they weren’t available. Aunt Galina knew and she secretly let me feed on her energy without my knowledge as a child, at was hard to control it as a teenager. Unlike Sanguines who know when to feed, who thirst for blood, mine don’t give me warning, I am only aware when living things around me wither away, like flowers, plants or animals then I know I have to feed which happens in the human world. That is the only place I can feed on energy without focusing on one individual, humans have a substantial amount of life force in them, All I Need to do is go to a crowded environment then I can feed freely without harming or endangering the life of anyone. The least harm my feeding brings to them is fatigue for a few hours and they’ll get fine afterwards. Over the years I have trained, burned myself, starve my body to learn control and now I can go for months without needing to feed. I can last a year or more than without feeding on anyone’s life force. The only time I do being when my emotions are all over the place and that causes me to lose control often, which is why I prefer solitude to being around anyone or interacting with either my kind or the humans. It prevents me from unnecessarily feeding and putting them in harm’s way. I walked over to my 2021 Rolls Royce Ghost, which I brought from my last visit to the human city and I opened the door, set to go in.... “Brother, where are you headed?” A dissatisfied groan leaves my lips as Sacha’s chappy voice seeps through my ear. I will never understand why he tries to get on my nerves every fvcking time. “What?” I asked, turning to him with a frown. I wasn’t in the mood to entertain his banter nor correct his intentional mistake of calling me; brother. “No need to be snappy? Are you going to Saturns-Star? I am headed there can I come with you, I am not in the mood to drive, besides the deadline I have is tricky so I don’t want to risk getting tailed. You can just drop me off before we get into the major city.” Sacha says and I sigh, shaking head while I stared at him blankly. He doesn’t really know when to leave one alone. If I say no to him, that would only propel him to further plead his case and make me talk without a good reason. Saying yes means I have to endure an hour of his endless rambles and s****l conquest, his latest target and the new skilled bearer gracing his bed. “Whatever.” I replied, entering my car and I slammed the driver’s door shut. I watched as he scurried to the other side and he rushes in and I shake my head before igniting the engine and I drive out of the castle. “You haven’t been outside the veil in three months. Why are you going now?” Sacha asks, and I choose to ignore him. Not today Tueur, I am not entertaining your blabber mouth. “Oh, you’re probably going to feed, you know you can feed on the bloods of the bearers, even the freezer has enough blood. I don’t know why you rarely feed in the castle and then leave to the human city just to feed. Well, maybe the s*x though. I don’t blame you for that, though. Look at me, I can barely last a few days without bedding a human. Somehow they are exceptional crafted at this thing called s*x and their energy when they do it amazes me.“ I remained quiet, leaving him to his monologue and his clicks his tongue. “You know, its weird that I haven’t exactly stumbled upon you in the city whenever you visit. Not even in the nightclubs. Where do you go for you women, or men?” Sacha says, and I swerve the car to the right on purpose knowing he doesn’t have his seatbelt on, causing his head to hit the glass of the window. “None of your business.” I reply, smiling as he cursed and rubs the side of his head. “That was evil, for someone who acts all mighty and righteous.” “I don’t act might and righteous, that I don’t make up a nuisance everywhere I go doesn’t mean it’s an act of righteousness.” I countered, and Tueur shakes his head. “Whatever, what clubs do you visit in Saturns-Star? I bet it’s some VIP five star s**t that’s why I don’t see you around.” “I’m not doing that with you Sacha, quit trying to probe information out of me.” I say, driving through the veil. And Sacha laughed. “I’m not trying to probe you for information, it’s called being friendly.” Sacha responds, and I frown. “Why?” “Why else, everyone in the castle knows you are a loner, no friends, no ally. You need to make friends. And I am offering to be one.” Sacha says, and I probe my inner cheek with my tongue. “You want me to become friends with the Tueur who tried to kill me? How do you think such friendship would work ugh? Besides, I have spent all my life in that castle without friends, which is why I still live at this very moment. You don’t think I suddenly forget how you and the sons of the primeval families treated me as a teenager. We are adults now and there is no point in fooling around. This enmity between us is enough for me. Lets keep it that way.” I could sense his aura change and his cheerful mood deflate at my words. Isn’t it what they mean by the truth is bitter, agreeing to give him or ride or entertain his existence doesn’t mean I would so easily ignore the fact that he once tried to kill me in my sleep. Yet I talk to him when I please, entertaining his nonsense, and he pretends like it never happened. “Dyrk, I apologised to you. It was a mistake, I had no.....” “Save it Sacha. Do not feign innocence when we both know you aren’t even sorry.” An uncomfortable silence sojourns with us henceforth, as I drive through the plantain that protects the veil to our realm and also connects us with the human realm, hiding the true identity of our existence from them. “I am sorry. Although there is no guarantee of how genuine it is, I am though. “ “Whatever Sacha, I did not put a knife to your throat like you did mine, just letting you know we can never be friends.” He sighs deeply, looking out the window, faced the highway that leads to Saturns-star. A few minutes to drive to entering the city and Tueur’s phone notification goes off and he turns to me smiling. ‘Goddess, not again.’ “They just extended my target deadline with to three hours later. There is a club just after the beach as soon as you enter Saturns-Star, lets go there and I’ll give you the freshest set of babes to jolly your night.” Sacha pipes and I sighed. How doesn’t he give up, mother Artemis save me from him. “Do you ever give up?” I question, and a chuckle rumbles deep in his throat as he shakes his head. “Giving up is not in my glossary.” “Just this once.” I deadpanned, and he nods, hooting in joy. Right from where we were, I could see the bright disco light of Sin City lighting up the few blocks around it, and I groaned. I know the club, but don’t frequent it. The noise is not just for me, most nights I go there just for drinks. Hooking with women is not just my thing, it happens once in a while, half the time I am afraid of loosing focus and draining them of every life force in their body. The last thing I want to have is taking a life just so I can feed. What if they are someone’s parent or child? I know firsthand what emptiness comes with loosing a family member and I cannot see myself as the reason some human weeps alone in the dark because of who they just lost. It is unlike our kind to show mercy on humans, most sanguine who feed on humans sometimes drain them of every drop in their system and feel no remorse, something I seldom feel. I drive into the VIP garage of the club, parking my car and I throw to the to the private valet assigned to each VIP customer. As we get to the entrance, Tueur giving the guards our names. His phone rings and he excuses himself. “Go on in, brother. I just need to take this. I’ll meet you at the bar.” How nice. Now I have to deal with the horny humans myself, it’s always a hassle to ward them off. As I step through the doors of the club, the first thing that welcomes me is the loud sound of the music playing through the speaker, and I grit my teeth in annoyance, heading straight for the bar. “Hello there, handsome. Need company for the night?” I hadn’t even sat for one minute when a finger brushes up the sleeve of my flannel and I groaned. Turning to her, I smiled sweetly and silently, draining her energy for the night. Soon she has her hand massaging her temple and I cough. “I feel dizzy.” She mumbles and I dip my hand into my pocket, fetching a ward of cash, and passed it to her. “You look exhausted. Why don’t you retire for the night, take this money and get yourself some energy drink or something. Go home and rest.” I tell her, staring into her soul as I compel her and she nods, slipping off the bar stool and stumbled out of the club through the door. A sigh escapes my lips, and I gulped the glass of whiskey I ordered. Sacha better come back here on time before I end up draining every girl that walks up to me. “Another shot.” I say to the bartender, closing my eyes to tune out the music and I suddenly felt energy pouring into me. My eyes snap open in shock, knowing well that I sealed my channel after the woman left, the bartender pouring my drink groans out tiredly, and I stand up in a rush, placing cash on the table and I turned to take my leave. It’s not right to drain life force from people who are already using so much. Panic rose in the pit of my stomach, wondering why I couldn’t seal up my channel or control the drain. I spared my eyes to travel round the bunch of sweaty people in the club, and I watched as energy slowly seep out of them. Something isn’t right. I have to leave. I turn my eyes from the dancing humans on the stage, aiming to leave when I halt and I pivot on my heels, directing my eyes back to the stage. Something or someone was there, and their life force surged so powerful that it forced me to advance towards the stage. I couldn’t even stop myself as I let my feet carry me, my heart pumping erratically against my chest the closer I got to the stage. And I noticed I wasn’t draining energy from the crowd again, my channel focused on that someone, I part the sweaty bodies slowly, coming to a halt in the middle of the stage, eye to eye with the most enchanting woman I’ve ever laid eyes upon. She blinked as our eyes met, and I am entranced by the rarest pairs of pearl-sapphire eyes I have ever seen. Is she wearing contact? can humans even have such ethereal pair of eyes? I thought I was awestruck until she smiled and my veins popped. My fangs pushed threateningly against my gum, and I forgot how to breathe at that moment. I have never felt the urge to feed blood from anyone before. Yet one simple smile was all it took for her to awaken the Sanguine bloodline in me. She took a few steps back as she danced, with that life sucking smile, and my eyes followed the movement of her hand. Her caramel skin illuminating every other thing around her, and fingers brushed a few strands of her out of her face. Artemis had nothing on her. I have seen the drawing of our mother and goddess Artemis, and she had nothing on this human girl. Her hair has to be the rarest colour blend known to human, even amongst my kind. The roots held the lushiest colour of Sage-green that trends all the way up only for me to note some strands with a tone of cyan, Turquoise, teal, down to the middle, my eyes followed the length of the hair and I’m met with dark and light grey dancing around the tips which rest on her thighs and I gulp. I couldn’t say if it is the disco light or my eyes, but I have never had a problem seeing right under any light. Even in the dark my eyes see clearly. That means I am right to say her hair is a mirage of colours that adds life and beauty to the ocean’s depth. She looks unreal, like an angel extracted from the heavens of heavens. “Hello, handsome.” My knees weakened at the coherent sound of her voice and I felt my man-hood hardened in my tucks. Her voice sounded like that of thousand of angels singing praises. It silences the noise of the loud music playing from the speaker and I can hear it repeatedly in my head. She twirled her hair, and I felt a great surge of life forces from her pull into me, causing my eyes to blaze red, yet she didn’t look surprise, despite staring into my eyes. “Dance with me.” She singsongs and I know even if she didn’t ask, I would have requested to dance with her. I stepped forward, wrapping myself around her waist, and I gently pull her into me. Warmth spread through my skin and I leaned forward, burying my nose between her neck and shoulder blade, and inhaled deeply as I nosed her. When I realised what was happening, I tried to pull away but she simply whispers in my ear. “Don’t.” How could I not? I was scenting her? A human? I am not a dog, why would I, scent a human, OUR kind don’t even scent or smell people and here I am scenting a human girl. “I want you.” She whispers, gently nibbling my ears and I could’ve crumbled if not for the surge of life source pulling from her into my channel. Artemis knows how badly I want to her to bed, but I don’t even know her. I want to do more than just bed her because I have never felt this intense lust for someone before. It was impossible to resist. “Tell me your name.” I say in a gruff voice, biting light on a fresh, careful not to draw blood and she moaned and my man-hood twitch against her front. “Lorelei.” She moans out just for my ears and I snarled, trying to keep myself from fvcking her raw on this stage. “The temptress. How perfect.” That is the meaning of the name Lorelei, and it sure fits the owner. “Tell me, what name should I moan when you, show me what this muscle and this rod can do?” Her hand slowly traces the defined lines of my pecs down to my waist and she stops above my V-line, tracing the symmetric outline before pushing her hand down my pants without warning, and she grabs my hard-on. “DRAGOZANI.”
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