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Merfolk elders of the royal council sat round the large skorpuborð, with the queen and king sitting at the top end of the skorpuborð and Lorelei seated at the other end, all gathered in the royal courtroom inside Queen’s Daryah Ivory palace. “Hvað gerum við framvegis? Þetta mál er viðkvæmt og hvaða ákvörðun sem við tökum mun örugglega hafa áhrif á stöðu okkar sem leiðtoga ríkisins, á góðan eða slæman hátt.” [What do we henceforth? This matter is delicate and whatever decision we make would definitely affect our stand as leader of the kingdom, in a positive light or bad way.] King Jamario says after the longs hours of the ráðh meeting held over a disturbing case from a few smaller settlements of Merfolks within the coast of Ashira kingdom.  “Sem drottning myndi ég leggja til að við...-” [As queen, I would suggest we, is..-] “Mér þykir leitt að trufla ræðu þína, drottning mín. Við erum nálægt lok tímabils og eftir tvö tímabil í viðbót væri tign hennar drottning, ef þú ert sammála mér. Ég held að það sé ekki nema sanngjarnt að við þökkum henni þann heiður að taka ákvörðun um lausn þessa máls. Þegar hún verður drottning væri það skylda hennar án tillits til þess að hún gæti byrjað að æfa sig í átt að því.” [I’m sorry to interrupt your speech, my queen. We are close to an end of a season and in two more seasons, her majesty would be queen, if you agree with me. I think it is only fair that we grace her with the honour of deciding the solution to this case. Once she becomes queen, it would be her duty regardless she could start practicing towards that.] An elder seated at the right hand to Lorelei says and silence fell upon the group as each awaited the queen’s response to the rude interruption. But of course Queen Daryah is no fool. She knows that not all merfolk elders of the royal court approve of her reign as Queen of Ashira.  Especially the elder Scur, whose bloodline is next in line to the throne after the Ashetria bloodline of Queen Daryah. Queen Daryah knows he posed a question as a bait. The elder Scur would hope she lashes out, then add that to his reasons of why she shouldn’t be Queen no more.  Instead of reacting in a manner as expected of her by the elder Scur, Daryah inhales, clenching her fingers against her thighs as she fakes a smile. “Það er góður punktur öldungur Scur, næstum eins og þú veist hversu oft ég þarf að minna hana á majasty nauðsyn þess að byrja að láta eins og drottning. Nú þegar þú hefur lagt fram upphafið er ég ekki á móti því að láta hana þokka okkur með hugsunum sínum. Samþykkja hinir öldungarnir þetta?” [That’s a good point, elder Scur, almost as if you know how often I have to remind Her Majesty of the need to act like a Queen. Now that you’ve suggested, I do not oppose to have the princess grace us with her thoughts. Do the other elders agree with this?] The elders present nod their heads in approval and the Queen sighs, facing princess Lorelei, who sat with a stoic face since the meeting began. “Jæja prinsessa miðað við afstöðu þína og með allt sem rætt hefur verið hingað til vegna máls þessa skipverja hvað myndir þú gera til að leysa áframhaldandi óreiðu meðal íbúa Nalu?” [Well, Princess, given your position and with everything discussed so far over the case of this merman, what would you do to resolve the ongoing disarray amongst the folks of Nalu?] Queen Daryah asks, and the princess remained quiet for a few seconds let her mind skim through every outcome and consequences it carried.  Her silence, however, gave elder Scur and a few others the impression that Princess Lorelei has no input, not the knowledge to make the right call in such a situation.  “Það er þekkt staðreynd að ég get ekki bara ákveðið einn án þess að hafa öldungana um borð með mér, þó að endanlegur dómur hvíli á herðum mínum, speki dómstólsins skiptir enn máli.” [It is a known fact that I cannot just single-handedly decide without having the elders on board with me. Although final verdict rests on my shoulders, the court’s wisdom still matters.] Princess Lorelei says brilliantly to the shock of the elders and even her mother, the Queen. They all thought the princess would straight away dive into passing a verdict and doing that would’ve given the court a reason to school her on how unprepared she is for the throne. But the Princess beat them in their own game, attending ráðh meetings at early age had taught her things she needed to know about being a leader and Queen.  Despite Princess Lorelei’s annoyance at the way her parents, especially her mother, treat her like an object, it didn’t change the princess view about wanting to become Queen of Ashira.  Princess Lorelei knows it’s her birthrate to rule as Queen. She never opposed that, but her lack of freedom over the years and the unnecessary burden placed on her shoulders from a young age had slowly caused the princess’s joy of becoming Queen to diminish.  “Sem sagt, við erum öll meðvituð um aldur viðkomandi skipverja. Hann er ungur í ljósi þess að hann er án foreldra, ég held að við getum öll verið sammála um að það er bara eðlilegt að hann skorti á sumum sviðum. Eitt af þessum mörgu sviðum væri í sambandi hans við aðra Merfolks og túlkun hans á einhverju eða hversu oft hann myndi misskilja aðstæður. Ég veðja að við vitum þetta?” [That being said, we are all aware of the age of the merman in question. He is young, given that he is without parents, I think we all can agree that it’s only normal for him to lack in some areas. One of these many areas would be his relationship with other Merfolks and his interpretation of something or how often he would misunderstand situations. I’m betting we all know this?] “Við tign þín, en hvað kemur það til með að taka lokaákvarðanirnar að benda á þetta? Gleymirðu ekki að þessi sjómaður meiddi hafmeyju, sem er mjög andstætt reglum Ashira.” [We do, your majesty, but what does pointing this out have to do with the final decisions. Lest you forget that this merman harmed a mermaid, which is strongly against the rules of Ashira.] Elder Scur says, trying to throw Princess Lorelei off balance, but the princess smiled in returned. “Ég er feginn að þú nefndir það, en ef við skoðum skýrslurnar fyrir okkur, þá skemmdi ungi skipstjórinn ekki hafmeyju. Í skýrslu segir að hann hafi brugðist við af skelfingu, sem hafi valdið því að hafmeyjan hafi orðið fyrir læti og það hafi valdið henni sjálfri meiðslum. Miðað við uppeldi hans gæti maður sagt að ungi skipstjórinn hafi náttúrulega eðlishvöt til að verja sig.” [I am glad you mentioned that, but if we look at the reports before us, the young merman did not harm a mermaid. Report says he reacted out of fright, which caused the mermaid to panic and that resulted in her self-inflicted injury. Considering his up bring one could say the young merman naturally has the instinct to defend himself.] A few other elders nod at the princess statement, but elder Scur wasn’t having any of it. “Það er alveg ósanngjarnt og órannsakanlegt að afsaka glæpi af ástæðum eins og uppeldi hans, ef við lokum augunum fyrir staðreyndum þessa skipverja sem er hættulegur landnámi þeirra þegar hann er fullþroskaður myndi hann verða bein fyrir fólkið þar.” [It is quite unfair and unfathomable to excuse is crime with reasons such as his up bring, if we turn a blind eye to the facts of this merman being dangerous to their settlement, once matured he would become a bone to the folks there.] While some council elders agreed with Scur, a few of them saw the picture Princess Lorelei was trying to paint. “Ég er um borð með hugsunarhátt hennar hátignar sinnar, það er hugljúft að sem frábært ríki þurftum við bara að læra af lærisveininum að þurfa að alast upp sjálfur án forráðamanns og það talar illa um Núlabyggðir. Ein fjölskylda í Merfolk hefði átt að taka sig til og taka hinn unga hirðmann inn. Hann hefur þurft að lifa af alla hörku árstíðanna einn, veiða mat einn og sér sem er hættulegur. Hugsun hans um skynsemi gæti verið svolítið frábrugðin öðrum.” [I am on board with Her Majesty’s line of thought, it’s disheartening that as a great kingdom we just had to learn of the merman having to grow up himself without guardian and that speaks badly of Nalu settlements. One merfolk family should have stepped up and take the young merman in. He’s had to survive all the harshness of the seasons alone, fish for food alone which is dangerous. His thinking of rationality might be a little digress from others.] One royal elder says, much to the dismay of elder Scur and his supporters. “Þakka þér fyrir, öldungur Delmar. Í áranna rás vekur viska þín við þennan dómstól mig alltaf undrun og það myndi gleðja mig að hafa þig fyrir utan mig alltaf þegar ég verð drottning. Slík viska getur ekki verið óframleiðandi. Miðað við allt sem sagt hefur verið hingað til væri það sóun á tíma ef ég þarf að fara yfir ástæður og þætti sem þarf að huga að. Ég trúi að við munum hafa visku til að skilja af því litla sem ég hef lýst yfir hingað til og auðvitað ættir þú að geta bent á hvert ég er að fara með þetta.” [Thank you, Elder Delmar. Over the years, your wisdom in this court always amazes me, and it would delight me to have you besides me at all times when I become Queen. Such wisdom cannot be unproductive. Considering every thing said so far, it would be a waste of time, if I have to go over reasons and factors to consider. I believe we will have the wisdom to comprehend from the little I’ve stated so far, and of course you should be able to pinpoint where I am going with this.] Lorelei’s eyes moved round the royals, seeing if they had the incline of what she meant and a few nodded in assurance while her father, the king smiled proudly at her and the Queen, seemed stupefied at Princess Lorelei’s knowledge. The Queen had hoped her daughter would at some point stumble on her words so she as mother would come in to save the day and get the praises of being a wonderful Queen, however Princess was up to the game, knowing her mother would never miss an opportunity to shine.  “Ertu að stinga upp á því að við vísum málinu frá og látum unga skipverjann fara án refsingar? Mætti ég minna þig á, prinsessa mín, það eru lög sem stjórna Ashira og það er bara rétt að beygja ekki reglurnar fyrir neinn.” [Are you suggesting we discharge the case and let the young merman go without a punishment? Might I remind you, my princess, there are laws that govern Ashira and it is only right to not bend the rules for anyone.] Queen Daryah says and princess Lorelei smiled, knowing her mother would eventually say something. “Ég geri mér vel grein fyrir lögunum, hátign þinni. Segðu mér, móðir, hver er refsingin sem lögð er fyrir sjómann eða hafmeyju sem skaðar annan Merfolk?” [I am well aware of the laws, your highness. Tell me, mother what is the punishment served to a merman or mermaid who harms another Merfolk?] It was a trick question, but the Queen was far too gone in her head, and competitive spirit of out doing her daughter that she missed the smirk gracing the princess’s lips.  “Lög konungsríkisins hafa verið frá þeim tíma, þau eru ekki bara lög heldur tollar til að vernda tegund okkar frá hættum að utan og innan. Sérhver merfolk sem stofnar öðru merfolk í hættu verður kastað. Dómur um að reka þá út setur stað.” [The laws of the kingdom have been since time, they are not just laws but customs to protect our kind from dangers from aside and within. Any merfolk who endangers another merfolk becomes a castaway. A verdict to cast them out sets in place.] Queen Daryah says and Lorelei smiled. “Ég á að gera ráð fyrir að móðir telji rétt að fella tvítugan lærisvein {merfolk age} sem er án fjölskyldu né hafði þau forréttindi að upplifa ást eða umhyggju foreldra. Hann hefur aldrei einu sinni fundið fyrir þægindum við að búa meðal þjóðanna. Samt þegar Ashira drottning sór að vernda fólkið sitt og koma þjóð sinni til huggunar. Þú vilt að ég kveði upp dóm til að láta þann unga sægreifa vera meðal Villimenn. Það talar ekki vel um þig sem drottningarmóður.” [I am to assume that mother thinks it is right to castaway a 20year old merman {merfolk age} who is without family nor had the privilege to experience parental love or care. Never once has he felt the comfort of living among his folks. Yet as Queen of Ashira sworn to protect its folks and bring comfort to her people. You want me to pass a verdict to cast that young merman to be amongst the Villimenn for a crime that wasn’t intended. It doesn’t even pass a crime, if he was only defending himself against who he taught was a threat. That doesn’t speak well of you as Queen Mother.] The queen’s jaw dropped at Princess Lorelei’s statement, and the courtroom soon filled with murmurs and whisper of fellow elders, siding with or disagreeing with the Princess’s line of thought. “Það er alveg augljóst hvers konar drottning þú býrð til, prinsessa mín. Þú hefur forvitni til forna eins og miskunnsömu gyðju okkar. Þú hefur tilgang og ég sé það sem þú sérð fyrir þessum unga lögmanni. Ábyrgðin á dómnum í dag hvílir á þér. Það er aðeins rétt ef yðar hátign fellur endanlegan dóm og dómstóllinn tekur hann eins og þú segir það.” [It is quite obvious what kind of Queen you would make, my princess. You have wisdom of old like that of our merciful goddess. You have a point and I see what you see for that young merman. The responsibility for today’s verdict rests on you. It is only right if Your Majesty passes the final verdict and the court will take it as you say it.] King Jamario says, bringing silence to the courtroom as the elders turn to the princess expectantly while the Queen gnashed on her teeth to keep herself from combusting in anger.  “Þakka þér, faðir. Sem prinsessa og bráðum drottning Ashira, hér er dómur minn. Ég mæli fyrir um að ungi skipstjórinn verði látinn laus úr fangelsi hans, sendi skýrslu til Nula og láti þá sleppa skipstjóranum. Ég myndi hjóla til Nula eftir nokkra daga og Ef ég finn ekki heppilega fjölskyldu til að taka við herliði, með konunglegri tilskipun og valdi mínu sem erfingi hásætisins, verður ungi lögmaðurinn bundinn við mig sem son og tekur héðan í frá nafn.” [Thank you, father. As the Princess and soon to be Queen of Ashira, here is my verdict. I decree an immediate release of the young merman from his confinement, send a report to Nula and have them release the merman. I would ride to Nalu in a few days and If I find not a suitable family to take in the merman, by royal decree and my power as an heir to the throne, the young merman will be to me as a son and henceforth take my name.] A deafening silence travelled through the courtroom as the elders and her parents relive their shock at her statement. For someone who never enjoyed attending meetings, nor the responsibilities dumped on her, the shock of her decree drowned everybody. “Prinsessa mín, ekki vera útbrotin og hvatvís með ákvarðanir þínar það er allt í lagi að hugsa það til enda ef þú ert í óvissu um ....” [My princess, do not be rash and impulsive with your decisions it is okay to think it through if you are uncertain about....] “Móðir, ég vildi láta þig vita að ákvörðun mín var hvorki útbrot né hvatvís. Það sem þessi ungi skipverji þarfnast er ást, athygli og umhyggja. Sumir til að skilja hvernig það er að lifa eins og útlægur meðal þíns fólks og ég skil hvernig það líður. Ef engin fjölskylda myndi taka hann að sér mun ég gera það. Höllin mín er nógu gífurleg og ég hef Stulkas til þjónustu. Ég mun axla þá ábyrgð að veita honum móðurástina og væntumþykjuna sem hann skorti. Til að verða drottning þarf ég líka að vita hvað það þýðir að vera móðir. Aðeins góð móðir gerir góða drottningu.” [Mother, I would have you know that my decision was neither rash nor impulsive. What that young merman needs is love, attention and care. Some to understand what it feels like to live like an outcast amongst your people and I understand what that feels like. If no family would take him in, I will. My palace is enormous enough and I have Stulkas at my service. I will take on the responsibility of providing him with the motherly love and affection he lacked. To become Queen, I also need to know what it means to be a mother. It takes an exemplary mother to make a good Queen.] As a child, Princess Lorelei knows what it feels like to crave something you can’t ever get. She grew up craving motherly affection and love, and that has its negative impact on the way she views most things.  Her wisdom and words perplexed the elders as they all stared at the princess in an unknown admiration. Even elder Scur, despite his indifference with the Queen, couldn’t help admire her prowess and knowledge. “Tign hennar hefur talað viskuorð og ég verð að vera sammála henni í þessu. Þetta er erfitt fyrir mig að segja en prinsessa mín, ég hlakka til drottningarinnar sem þú ert að verða. Fáðu konungsvaktina og láttu þá framkvæma leiðbeiningar hátignar sinnar.” [Her Majesty has spoken words of wisdom, and I have to agree with her with this. This is hard for me to say but My Princess, I look forward to the Queen you are becoming. Get the royal sentries and have them carry out Her Majesty’s instruction.] Jealousy brewed in the pits of the Queen as the other elders applaud the princess and chorus of praises to her, for the wisdom and how she handled the verdict, more so Princess Lorelei just won over an elder, Queen Daryah could never impress and that angered the Queen. “Þakka þér Höfðingi Scur. Ég er ánægður með samþykki þitt og öldunganna. Ég geri ráð fyrir að því ljúki fundinum í dag og ég vil gjarnan fá afsökun þar sem ég hef aðra hluti til að sinna og ég þarf líka að hefja undirbúning fyrir ferð mína.” [Thank you, Chief Scur. I am pleased with your approval and that of the elders. That concludes today’s meeting and I’ll like to be excused as I have other things to attend to and I also need to start preparations for my trip. I trust you’ll see to my decree of releasing the young merman is, attended to right.] Princess Lorelei says, standing on her feet and the elders bow in absolute respect. “Auðvitað, yðar hátign. Við munum ljúka fundinum, þú getur sinnt öðrum hlutum.” [Of course, Your Majesty. We will conclude the meeting, you can attend to other things.] “THANK YOU.” Princess Lorelei says in their modern tongue. Thanking the elders, she walks to the end of the crust table where her parents sat, placing a kiss on their shoulder as a sign of respect before exiting the courtroom. ***** After having her dinner, princess Lorelei calls for Zaire to do away with the used shells and the Stulka came in bearing the princess’s favourite extract. “I’m going for a late swim. If anyone seeks me, tell them, I retired to bed early and want no disturbance. Once it’s past midnight, you and your sisters should retire for the night. I want you up early tomorrow so you prepare yourself on-time for my trip to Nalu. When I come out of the littoral, you should be ready cause we leave together.” Lorelei informs Zaire, who nods, bowing before exiting the princess’s littoral. At her departure, princess Lorelei shuts the door as she prepares herself for another journey to the human world.  He visits to the human world for the last three months is the only thing keeping her sane, because when she is dear she forgets the burdens on her shoulder, the expectations and the man they would force her to marry soon.  The human world is her only place of solace and the princess knows, eventually, she won’t be able to visit anymore.  Hence why she tries each time to learn new things, try new things, make new friends even, if half of them forget her existence the next day but for that very moment they were useful, just like Tueur was and now she has a penthouse she uses in the Saturns-Star and a closet filled with different clothing. Tonight the princess plan get herself a man and get laid, given the last time she’s been with a man who didn’t meet up with her expectations, the princess plan to find a better catch tonight and relieve herself of the pressure of being a royal in Ashira.
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