2182 Words

Prince Leroy   Being king for even a day is so much stress. In my father’s case, he had me to help him out but now I had to do my duties and his as well. I had to attend to this and that and this and that, from one meeting to another and signing every single thing. Nothing leaves or comes into Auradon without my approval and it’s quite exhausting. Earlier today I called Michael and we arranged a meeting for six P.M. It’s already 5:30 and I’m just completing the last piece of work for the day. Michael did not always like coming to Auradon because he had issues with my dad but he couldn’t say no to me. He and King Nicolai used to be very good friends, I don’t know what ruined that friendship. My dad refused to say anything but instead hired a new guy to do his underground work but I still

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