4. Legal Eagle & Evidence-1

2053 Words

“Who did he remind you of?” I asked Rick, still seated at the table. “Abraham Lincoln. Only not quite as ugly,” Rick answered and began once again to lick the gooey strawberry and frosting still adhered to his fingers. “It was like visiting one of those historical places where they have the reenactments.” “Yeah,” he agreed. “Sort of ironic his first name is Booth.” I sat there trying to understand that. After a few seconds, it hit me. “Oh! Yeah. Wild.” “Since Lincoln"s assassin"s last name was Booth.” He made a g*n out of his finger and thumb and acted like he was shooting. “Right.” I nodded. “Very odd.” “What do you think about his story?” “I"m not sure. The Drakulyas wouldn"t be involved in capturing humans from his land.” “How can you be so sure?” “Because remember I was there

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