Chapter 5

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POV: Jax There is no way. I just got done dropping off my daughter at school. Well I guess she's not my daughter anymore. Shes my mate. My imprint. How? Why? When she called me "Dad" this morning it sounded wrong. She cant call me that anymore. It doesn't feel right. Skyla is a beautiful girl. When I came out of my bedroom this morning i was hit with the scent of cinnamon. It wasn't like just any cinnamon it was addicting, sweeter. I had to find it so i followed little did i know that smell would be Skyla. Its her sixteenth birthday. I was highly surprised that we imprinted. There's a lot of things wrong with this bond. One I'm 33 years old and Skyla is 16. This I believe I can over look and accept. We're seventeen years apart, thats a big age gap. Secondly I'm here dad, she's my daughter. We have only ever seen each other as such. sure I've had some inappropriate thoughts about her that i've kept to myself. I would never acknowlendge them when they would pop into my head. Now my head is filled with them. Thirdly, the initials on my mark dont match hers. Her mark matches mine so why doesn't her? Is this some kind of mistake? I have waited years to find my fated. It can't be a mistake. I'm going to the Pack house library to see if I can find an explaination for this. Before I get there I call Jacob to apologize as I do every year on this day. It wasn't my fault but what else can i do. he was my friend. Today is the anniversary of the day his daughter was born and lost in the same day. I know his actions are due to greif but still its upsetting that i lost a friend because of it. I dial the number on my cell and listen to the ringing. " hello" i hear on the other end. " hey Jacob, it's me, Jax" " Jax how many times do i have to tell you to stop calling on this day. Is your Daughter enjoying celebrating the death of my daughter. are you?!" jacob says sadly and angrily. " Jacob I know you don't actually mean that but ok. I called for the same reason i do every year." i tell him. I just want my friend back is all. " Well it wont's happen this year either." he tells me sadly. Some times I get the feeling that this is just pride at this point but I never say it and never will. I end the call and enter the library. I grab a few books from the mate section and sit down and begin reading. ******************************************** POV: Skyla It's lunch time now. With what happened this morning I don't have much of an appitie. I just get a bottle of water and sit at my normal table. Tonight I'm having a party for my birthday. the whole school is invited exept for Blood Moon. My friends have been trying all day to get me to tell them who my mate is but i won't tell. I need to talk to Alpha first. Yes i'm going to call him that for now. Maybe i should try Alphy but I don't know. I think Just plain Alpha will do. By now everyone at school knows I've found my mate. Because I'm marked they think I jumped my mate the minute I found him. Only my three friends know about the imprint. Everyone is trying to guess who by the initials. If only they knew. I wonder what everyone will think. "Hey Sky, is that all you got? Whats wrong?" Taylor asks me concerned. " Yeah my stomach is in knots. Maybe its just nerves about today." I tell her. "Maybe you should call your dad to come get you. lay down until the party" Mia suggests. Should I? My stomach does a flip at the mention of Alpha. I think i just might. "Yes I'll call him" i let them know I'm going home. I call my da... Alpha to come get me. " hello, Skyla are you ok" I hear him on the other end of the phone. " No. My stopach is in knots. I dont feel good." a sigh is heard. " OK I'm on my way. just wait at the front of the school for me" "OK'' " Skyla is this about the Mate/ imprint thing." I can feel tears trying to come out but I hold them in. " No, I just want to go home thats all. Will you please just come get me" " I'll be there in 20 minutes, ok." I hang up the phone. Am i that obvious? Of cource its because of him. I wasn't going to tell him that though. I go outside the school and sit on the bench by the entrance door to wait for him. "Awe look whose the sl*t now." Gage says walking up to me. Great just what I need right now! Note the sarcasm. " Go away Gage. I don't have to explain anything to you." i tell him. " Whats a matter? Mate finally came to his senses and is plannig to reject you haha" he taunts. " Gage just go away now!" I warn him. " Or what? You can't do nothing" " YOU KNOW WHAT MY MATE CAN'T REJECT ME. WE IMPRINTED. I DID NOT HAVE s*x WITH HIM! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON WITH MY MATE SO JUST GO THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" He looks shocked at my out burst and tears that are now streaming down my face. After he gets over the shock he smirks. " I feel sorry for your mate you know. He's stuck with you. You weren't even good enough to f**k" he says. Thats it! If I get in trouble I get in trouble. I rear my fist back and let it come forward to connect with his face. Gage grabs me and slams me up against the brick wall of the school building. He growls in my face and bare his teeth at me. Next this I know Gage is thrown away from me. I look up and its Alpha. " Gage you attack her again i will see it as an act of war." Alpha Comands him in warning with his eyes glowing red. Gage looks at Alpha with the same glowing red eyes. Alpha wolves eyes glow purple. " Do you undersatnd" Alpa says to him. " yes" gage response getting the message. "Are you ok?" Alpha asks me. I just nod and walk to the car. We get in buckleing our seatbelts. He cranks the car and puts it into drive. We drive home in silence. Once home I hop out quickley because I can feel the tears about to flow again. I don't want him to see. We get inside and I immediately run for the stairs to my room. "Skyla wait!" Alpha says stopping me. I don't turn around because the tears have started. " What is it? Am i in trouble?" I say sobbing. "No. your not in trouble. I meant what I said. If it happens again I'll see it as an act of war. " he tells me seriously. I turn around and run into his arms. I feel the sparks run through out my body from the hug. He embrces me back and walks us to the couch without breaking the hug. he sit down with me in his lap. I never let go of him. my face buried in his neck just crying my heart out. He rubs his hand up and down my back trying to soothe me. We dont say anything he just lets me cry while holding me. With Alpha holding me, rubbing my back, his scent and the sparks I'm able to calm down. I pull back a little with my arms still wrapped around his neck. Alpha wipes away a few tray tears and tucks a strand of hair back behind my ear. " I'm sorry." he tell me. " Why? this isn't your fault." I question. " I know sweetheart. It's just the situation. I don't realy know what else to say. " I nod in understanding. " What do we do?" I ask him. " We try. It will take time to get there but eventually it will." He wants to try and make this work. I guess I cant blame him. I want to try too. I didnt know that until he said it but i do. I guess this explains my naughty thought about him. I let out a laugh at myself at this. Alpha raises and eyebrow at me. " And what exactly is so funny?" " Nothing. Its just this explains a lot. I mean what kind of daughter gets jealous of their own mother and thinks there dad is.... uh nevermind" i say blushing at the end. No way am i telling him I've always thought he was hot. " So you think I'm hot?'' Appearently I said this out loud. Damn. We talk for a few more minutes. Apparently I wasn't the only one having inappropriate thoughts. He had them of me too. We decided to take things at a slow pace. Get use to this relationship dynamic and get out of the old one. At least I can't be grounded anymore so thats a plus. I told him that I wouldn't call hm "dad'' anymore and he agreed saying it was a good first step. I did tell him it would take time before i could actually cal him Jax so i'll just stick to Alpha for now. He did not like that part so we comprimised to Alphy. He thought that was cute. I can do that one. Its still weird but at least we know what we want or its just the imprint talking. He hasn't found an explaintion for this yet but it has been just half a day. It'll take time to figure out that part. the next thing is telling the pack. We agreed I could tell my three friends and that was it, no one else. We're going to find an explaination first before we tell the pack. So until then it's a secret for the most part. there will be questions regarding our marks and we will deal with that as it comes. speaking of marks he said he had a theory as to why his has different initials on it. He won't tell me what it is though so I have to wait. Since I'm home i decide to start set up for my party. We normally do a smaller more personal birthday party for me a day or two after the actual day. this is for several reasons. the main is because Alphy feels guilty for what happened the that day years ago with his friend. He doesn't like to celebrate knowing his friend is greiving. This year however it will be next week on saturday. I'm having a joint birthday with Mia. her's is on Saturday. Mia and I have always wanted to do this and we're finally going to get to do it this year. Mia will be turning sixteen also.
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