872-878 Seisyllwg, Gwynedd and Powys 872-878 Seisyllwg, Gwynedd and PowysKing Rhodri’s tone was authoritative. “Help me dress the corpse, my lad.” He judged the clothing adequately dried out in the warm sunshine, enough to provide them with a semblance of normality, even if that aspect did not suit his lie if he thought about it more carefully. The beautiful late afternoon light off the lake saddened Arthfael—nobody should die on such a beautiful day. Doleful beady-eyed water grebes stared accusingly at him, only confirming his resolve to silence about the drowning. He enjoyed Rhodri’s love and confidence and would not risk either for the futile matter of his conscience. He would have to find a way to seek penitence in the eyes of Christ over time He looked up from lacing one of the vic