Chapter 5-1

331 Words
Chapter Five Jesse faded in and out of consciousness. She felt her body being gently turned until she was lying flat on her back. She immediately tried to turn back so she could curl up into a ball, but something prevented her from rolling onto her side. She pushed weakly at the arms picking her up. She didn’t want to be moved until she felt the heat radiating from the source trying to hold her. She immediately turned into it and burrowed as close as she could get. She didn’t care where the heat was coming from as long as it warmed her. She was freezing. A low cry echoed in the air, dragging her back to consciousness. It took a moment for her to realize it had come from Taylor. Her little sister sounded frightened. “Taylor? Baby, it’s okay,” Jesse forced out in a slurred whisper. “I’ll protect you.” “You have to help her,” Taylor’s voice was saying before it faded. Who has to help who? Jesse wondered vaguely. Jordan. Jordan was sick. Was she doing worse? “Jordan!” Jesse cried out sharply. “Jordan!” “Shush, she will be well soon,” a deep voice responded. “I have… protect…,” Jesse choked out before the world started to fade again. “Please… don’t.” “Don’t what, little female?” the deep voice asked. Jesse forced her fevered eyes open. “Please… don’t hurt them. They… they are all I have… left,” she begged, staring into the dark yellow eyes. “I will protect them with my life,” the dark voice promised. Jesse didn’t respond. She stared intently into the familiar, but not so familiar yellow eyes for several long seconds before she closed her eyes in exhaustion. She had no other choice but to believe the strange alien male would keep his promise. She was too weak to do otherwise. She turned her face into the warmth of his body. She had nothing left inside of her to give. She had used up all her strength to get back to her sisters. She didn’t trust anyone but her sisters anymore. She hoped she wasn’t making a fatal mistake in believing that the alien male holding her would keep his word.
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