Chapter 3-2

893 Words
Hunter threw out the chains in his left hand as one of the human males came rushing out of the door of the small room. He snarled in satisfaction when he heard the sound of bone breaking under the blow. The human’s loud scream of agony echoed throughout the building. He jerked hard on the chain before he turned and rolled to the left as the huge male who had threatened to hang his balls on the back of his truck lifted one of the Earth weapons he carried. The sound of skin and bone ripping made a sickly noise as the chain he had wrapped around the thin human’s arm tore it off as he pulled it away. A single shot silenced the male’s incoherent screams. “Kill him!” The female yelled out in terror. “Kill him, Kyle.” “You should have f*****g let me earlier,” Kyle snapped back as he moved backwards toward the office. “I can’t see a f*****g thing.” “Don’t let him near me,” the woman whimpered. “Don’t let him near me.” “Shut the f**k up, Betty,” Kyle bit out. “Get back in the office. If he tries to come through the door, we’ll shoot his ass.” Hunter chuckled darkly when he heard the door slam behind the human called Kyle. It would appear the female did not care about the male. She had locked him outside with the beast. “I will slice your balls off,” Hunter whispered menacingly. “But I will not hang them on the back of my transport. I will feed them to you.” “Stay… stay the f**k back,” Kyle snarled, raising the weapon in his hand and firing into the darkness where Hunter had been. “You just stay the f**k back.” Hunter was already on the other side of the male. He had scaled the tall beam up to the one that ran over the male’s head. He dropped down lightly on the male’s right side. He grabbed the male’s arm as he swung around and broke it before wrapping his other hand around the male’s neck. “Now human,” Hunter whispered, flashing his teeth at the male. “Threaten me, now.” Kyle’s choked cries ended as his body suddenly jerked. His eyes widened for a moment before they glazed over in death. Hunter cursed as he felt a burning in his side. He dropped the body of the male and twisted to the right. Three holes in the door let small beams of light through. “How bad are you hurt?” Another dark voice asked calmly from next to him. Hunter bared his teeth at Saber. He had known the minute re-enforcements had shown up. It was one of the traits that made the Trivators such great warriors. They were drawn to each other in time of need, and could react as one when in battle. “What took you so long?” Hunter snarled out. “They had me strapped to a damn metal bed with chains,” he nodded to the dead human on the floor. “He was threatening to cut my balls off and use them for decorations.” “We lost you a couple hours ago, but knew we weren’t far. I thought the plan was for us to follow you to where the humans had their lab?” Saber said. “The plan changed,” Hunter growled. “There was another human here. We can still get the information we need from the female inside.” “Dagger is good at that,” Saber commented. “What am I good at?” Dagger said, materializing out of the darkness. “I was about to go after the other human when I heard the shots. You hit?” “A scratch,” Hunter said with a shrug. “Was the other a female?” “It smelled like it,” Dagger said with a sharp-tooth grin. “She smelled sweet, even her blood. Did you try to gut her or something? You don’t normally miss if you are close enough to touch skin.” Hunter frowned at Dagger. “She only had a small amount on her from a wound before she saved me,” he responded. Saber held up his hand. “What the f**k do you mean ‘before she saved you’? Who saved you?” he asked. “A human female. She heard what the others planned to do to me,” Hunter said with a frown. “She said she couldn’t let them do that.” “Maybe it was a trap like the other female. You know that these females cannot be trusted,” Dagger speculated. “She could have been testing you.” “No,” Hunter replied with confidence. “She was terrified. She said the other humans would kill her if she was caught. She told me where the Support Center was being set up so I could find help. I could hear the truth in her voice and scent her fear. She was not lying.” “Then why did she smell so strongly of blood if you did not try to kill her?” Dagger asked impatiently. Hunter’s eyes narrowed. “She was not wounded badly when she was with me,” he bit out. “We will find her once we have taken the other female in.” Saber nodded. “Let’s get this over with,” he said with a grin. “I’m hungry.” Hunter watched as Saber swung his foot out and kicked the door. He barely missed getting his head blown off when the female in the room screamed in terror. Dagger snarled at Saber who had dropped and rolled to the side. “You are going to get your head blown off one of these days,” Hunter commented as Saber stood up and brushed the arm of his sleeve. “Not with their reaction time,” Saber grinned. “Now, are you going in or is Dagger?” “Why don’t you?” Dagger asked in exasperation. “Hey, I did my part,” Saber said. “I opened the door for you two.” “s**t,” Dagger growled. “I’ll do it.” The sound of a single gunshot sounded in the room before Dagger had a chance to move. All three men roared in frustration and rage as they smelled the overwhelming stench of blood and brain matter mixed with gunpowder. “Well, there goes that lead,” Dagger said in disgust.
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