Chapter 13

1421 Words

Chapter Thirteen “I will return as soon as I can,” Hunter said, touching Jesse’s tight jaw. “I promise.” “We’ve heard those promises before,” Taylor said bitterly. “You’re just one more in a long line.” “Taylor,” Jordan whispered. “Not now.” She’s right, thought Jesse but she didn’t say the words out loud. “Just… be careful,” she said instead. Hunter leaned down and rubbed his nose along her cheek before pressing a kiss to her lips. It took several seconds before she responded. When she did, he could taste the desperation that she was trying to hide. “Hunter,” Dagger called out. “Let’s go. The sooner we get down there and take care of this the sooner we get back.” Hunter reluctantly released Jesse’s lips. His eyes burned with determination as he stared down at her. He would come bac

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