Chapter 22-2

619 Words

Hunter crossed over three blocks before he was forced back to the ground. He could scent other Trivator warriors in the air and knew they would be able to scent him as well. He rolled over the side of the building he was on and climbed down the wall. He was almost to the bottom when his bad shoulder gave out and he fell the last few feet. He landed hard and fell to his knees as blackness threatened to engulf him as he jarred his broken ribs. He rose just as a small group of men came around the corner. Low cursing filled the air from the men as they rushed him. Hunter caught the first man under the chin with his good arm. He could feel the bones crunching as he struck him. He was no match for the other eight men who swarmed him. The blows to his broken ribs was excruciating. He fought as

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