Chapter 24-1

503 Words

Chapter Twenty-Four Hunter woke in stages. He knew he was on board the Star Raider. He recognized Carp's deep voice speaking to someone before he faded out again. The next time he woke he could have sworn he could feel Jesse’s sweet hands caressing him. He wanted to reach out and grasp her, but the darkness took him again. When he woke again, he could sense Carp bending over him. “Don’t,” he whispered hoarsely. “Don’t.” “Don’t what?” Carp’s deep voice asked. “Don’t… sleep,” Hunter forced out. “Don’t put sleep.” Carp’s low chuckle echoed in the dim room. “No more sleep for you, my friend. We need you to wake up so we can see what kind of damage you’ve done,” he responded. Hunter’s eyes opened and he blinked. “Jesse,” he murmured. “I’m here,” Jesse responded. He slowly turned his hea

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