Chapter 14-1

479 Words

Chapter Fourteen Kali blinked several times as she woke. A frown creased her brow as she tried to figure out where in the hell she was. She moved her right shoulder expecting to feel the intense pain in her back from the cut she had received when she went through the window but all she felt was a slight tenderness and... She gasped when she turned her head and found a set of dark, yellow-gold eyes staring intently at her. Shock swept through her before fear and fury took its place. Razor... his name was enough to send a shaft of fear through her, as well as another emotion she didn’t quite understand. She nervously licked her lips. “Where am I and what in the hell are you doing here?” she demanded in a husky voice. She would have climbed out of the bed in fury when she saw his lips twi

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