Chapter 11-2

703 Words

Kali grabbed the wall to stop from falling as she reached the bottom of the stairwell. Her legs felt shaky and she knew she was running on empty. The last week of interrupted sleep, combined with blood loss and the intense physical demands from her escape were threatening to overwhelm her. She shook her head in an effort to clear it. She couldn’t stop yet. “Kali,” a quiet voice called out to her. Kali jerked around, pressing her hand to her chest and her back to the wall as she strained to see. A shuddering breath of relief escaped her when Jason stepped out from the shadows. She weakly held out her left hand to him. “Jason! Thank God you are okay,” she whispered back in a faint voice. “We have to get out of here. I have to get to Destin.” Warm fingers wrapped around her hand and pulle

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