Chapter Fifteen

1038 Words

The next morning, I woke up really late. I had tossed and turned all night long. I had hoped that Pip would come back, but he never did. Instead, I was left burning with desire for him all night. When I was with him, the heat he produced seemed to infect me and cause my fire to burn hotter for him as a result. I had tried everything to cool off, including taking a cold shower in the middle of the night. Nothing worked. The only thing that would get rid of the fire deep inside me was adding more fire and letting it burn itself out. Unfortunately, he was keeping the fire I needed from me. I had cursed him most of the night and I knew he could hear every word of it and I was glad. I hope he was kept awake all night long too. When I had finally emerged from my pit, it was gone midday and t

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