Contradictions (3)

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Chapter 3: Contradictions (3) *** Weeks later Garret became very used to following me around. What is he? A puppy? I seriously can’t get rid of him even if I wanted to. But it’s strange, after I asked some of my men to investigate him I found nothing but the fact that he’d been honest with me from the start. Why was he so willing to tell me everything I wanted to know? I didn’t even threaten or bribe him. This isn’t how things usually go, but I guess Garret is just different. Or maybe just overly trusting, rather naïve, or even plain stupid; otherwise it’s a complete mastery to me why he’d agree so easily to everything I suggest. Not that I am complaining! He’s a very good watch dog! For the past weeks I’ve been making sure to treat him well, but my bottom half has been feeling rather empty. I kind off don’t want to make him mine yet, first I want to twist him a bit. After all, he seems far too pure for my tastes. And to be honest being treated gently would be quite more painful than being f****d hard by multiple people for me… That’s why I did something I don’t usually do… *** “Ah! Ahh! Aaa!” I moaned as loudly as I could while I was being forcefully f****d by one of my subordinates. “Do you like that? Huh?” The man asked while he continuously trusted into me as hard as he could. “Ah! Yes! Ahh!” I continued moaning, but in truth the s*x wasn’t enjoyable at all. What made me super horny however was every once in a while glancing at Garret’s face while the other man f****d me on the sofa. Yes, I made Garret sit in the room and watch me be ravaged so I could see a reaction out of him. Sadly however he has not even flinched even though he witnessed all of that. “f**k!” The subordinate I had called over cursed under his breath as he climaxed inside me. What a dickhead, I didn’t even come and this guy is already done? Weak… “You can leave now.” I commanded as I laid on the sofa comfortably, my d**k still hard. “Yes, sir!” The subordinate said as he zipped up his pants and walked out of my office as ordered. “What do you think?” I asked Garret as I looked at him, he still had no visible reaction on his face. It almost made me want to jump him while I was still naked and covered in semen. “About what sir?” Garret asked in his dominating tone, ah… why is he so hot? “About what you just saw. The s*x I had with that guy that almost ruined my asshole and didn’t even make me cum.” I specified using very vivid words and still got no reaction from him. “I do not know what you wish to hear, sir.” Garret said while bringing me a towel. “What are you doing?” I questioned as I saw him approaching me with the towel. “Helping you clean up, your dirty.” Garret said with his low ear-f*****g voice. Is he trying to seduce me? “So you’ll personally wipe me down? Even all the semen that’s currently in my ass?” I asked while using vulgar language and smirking while looking up to him. “Yes, sir.” Garret simply agreed, it left me feeling like he really had no ulterior motive but cleaning me up. He began gently wiping my body beginning from my chest, down to my ass. Why is he so gentle, I’m not a woman… I don’t know if I’m getting annoyed or turned on by this guy anymore. “Done.” Garret said as he stood up, my body was now in better shape than several minutes ago. Yet it made me want to mess it all up again and make him clean me once more. “Hey… I ran a background check on you recently.” I decided to tell him, people would usually get angry if you butt into their personal business, right? “Alright.” But not this guy! He doesn’t even care I ran a background check on him, he doesn’t care if I have s*x in front of him, he doesn’t care about anything! “So that police officer you beat up, why did you do it?” I asked him, it was the only thing that I didn’t know about him yet. “He secretly dealt drugs to children… One of them was my younger brother.” Garret said with a straight face while looking down at me. “How’s your little brother then?” I questioned, he must really care about his younger sibling to be ready to go to prison for six months for him. “He’s no longer alive. My family held his funeral before I was imprisoned.” Garret told me and his expression remained just as stone cold as it was during this past week. “Do you feel sad when I bring it up? It’s still fairly recent, it’s been only half a year since.” I said while trying to look sympathetic but truthfully I just wanted a reaction. “I’ve accepted it. It’s not something I can change even if I wanted to.” Garret said while giving me a bigger towel to cover myself up with. He might have gotten bored from staring down as my d**k so long while talking about such a sad story. “Then, do you regret not killing the officer? I heard he was released from the hospital and will still perform his duties. That is because nobody found out he was selling drugs to minors.” Not that selling them to adults would make it any better, but those who sold to children were truly the scum of the earth. Our organization does not dabble in drugs; it’s far too messy and leaves too much evidence. “Even if I had killed him, that wouldn’t have brought back my brother. Nor would it have saved anyone.” Garret didn’t seem to think of himself too highly. I’ve never seen such a clear cut realist like him before. It’s both impressive and sad. “Maybe it would have saved someone. Now that he’s discharged from the hospital he might keep a low profile for now but… Soon enough he’ll go back to his own habits.” I said to reassure the other he had done nothing good by beating the police guy. In fact the only one that suffered because of it was himself. He went to prison for six months because of it. Now he doesn’t have much job openings either, he’s fallen down so miserably yet he’s still standing here before me ever so confidently. I wonder what’s going on in that head of his. “I’m not a saint, I can’t save children from taking drugs. I just beat him up because he had sold them to my brother and caused his death. That’s about it.” Garret explained in his low voice that I still can’t get used to no matter how many times I hear it. “I see…” So that’s it huh? He just doesn’t care about anyone else, he did it because his brother was involved. Which means that he wouldn’t have lifted a finger if he had witnessed any other child doing the same. He did the same thing by ‘saving’ me as well, his reasoning being that I was somehow beautiful to him. How simple is he?
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