Book 2 Chapter 59

1432 Words

Andrei “Moss Valley Pack Alpha is here,” my father informs me, nudging me with his elbow as I lean on Alpha Nicholas’s car. I look out to see the youngest of us Alphas has arrived, Harley. We were all standing out in front of the meeting place. Ezra has the keys, and he is late. Ezra is never late. A few of the Alphas looking around nervously and anxious when I spotted the youngest Harley is directly trying to avoid everyone by staying near his car, which I thought was a little odd. Nicholas nods to him, and I shake my head, thinking it is weird. He wasn’t shy and had just as much right to be here, but I could tell he is on edge. Nicholas walks over to me. “Something isn’t right. He is never late,” he observes, and I agree. Harley is texting furiously on his phone, making me wonder wh

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