Book 2 Chapter 39

2141 Words

I push Ezra away. He knows where my father is and didn’t tell me? He knows how much I am struggling with not having my family, and he knew where my father was this entire time and kept it from me! Ezra reaches for me, but I shake my head, pointing an accusing finger at him. “And you didn't think to tell me?” I ask him. “We didn’t want to worry you, my men saw him at the border and reported back to me, but your father attacked my men and slipped across into Andrei’s pack. I tried to get him back, but Andrei won’t hand him over unless….” Ezra doesn’t finish, and Mateo growls behind me when he doesn’t. But I already know what he isn’t saying. Andrei wants me. “Unless you give him me,” I finish for him. Ezra nods before rubbing my arms with his hands. “I won’t let him hurt you, Kat, I thin

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