Book 2 Chapter 34

1631 Words

Ezra We have been short on patrol runs for days now. Meeting Alex at the border, I fall in line with him as he scouts. We haven't seen or heard anything in days, making me nervous. What is Jackson planning, and why is Andrei helping him? Andrei and Jackson have never gotten along, so there has to be something going on behind the scenes with them to band together suddenly. "Anything out of the ordinary?" I ask Alex through the link. Maddox is anxious, he needs something to take the edge off and tame the fire inside him. “Nothing, Jackson’s Pack has been locked down, no one has stepped in or out of the territory,” Alex informs me, which makes me worry more. Jackson is biding his time and planning for something. If we step over the border and declare war, we could be walking into a trap

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