Book 2 Chapter 31

2132 Words

Mateo Kat was dead, actually dead like her heart had stopped, and I thought I killed her. I just took her from this world and away from Ezra. She was muttering under her breath, she was fine one second, the next, her entire body jolted, her back arching, and she went limp. Ezra tapped her face, the mark on my neck burning, and he clutched his as well when suddenly her heart stopped. Didn't slow, didn't increase rapidly, just stopped along with her breathing. "Kat?" Ezra asks, shaking her shoulders as her face pales, the color draining out of her as she turns gray. My stomach sinks, and Ares howls in my head when Ezra rips her from me. Places her on her back before performing CPR. I completely lose it, and can't function while he tries to bring her back. I stare, panic freezing me. Eac

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