Book 2 Chapter 12

2177 Words

Katya Waking up, I feel like I have been hit by a truck, every part of me feels broken. Then everything smashes into me at once, the room smells like a brothel, and I scrunch my nose up at the strong scent. My head throbs and images of yesterday flicker through it, like a bad horror movie, starring me. Vaguely, I remember every detail, yet it doesn’t feel like me, it’s like watching an old fuzzy recording of yourself from years ago, of a time you can't remember properly, but still there's no doubt it's you in the footage, or at least a doppelganger of you. I remember attacking Mateo, yet even that doesn’t feel like it was me, only I know I did it. I remember Maddox and the Alpha. Everything but it wasn't me, like someone else had control, and I was purely an observer of my actions. Sham

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