Book 4 Chapter 31

2610 Words

Sage I have just put Jonah to bed, and Andrei still hasn’t returned home yet. He left early this morning before I was fully awake, and now, it is nearly 11 pm already. I’m starting to worry. He rarely spends that much time away from me and Jonah. He has been in and out all day, and we have barely spoken a word today. That fact alone makes me feel more uneasy. I don’t enjoy staying apart for so long or simply accepting that we’re not talking. At this point, I feel like we are having a massive argument and are giving each other the cold shoulder, even though it’s not like that. And to make everything even worse, Derrick left around lunchtime to go to Kat’s. I know that he wants to help her and her mates with the kids, but the lack of his presence in the house makes me feel a little lone

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