Book 4 Chapter 28

3690 Words

Katya I wait for Seline to show up. We have so much going on with the pack. My stress levels are through the roof. I have hardly been sleeping with everything going on. The twins are teething - something horrendous. All their teeth decide to come through at once. Sleep feels like a thing of the past. Dominic is going to Andrei’s on Tuesday, and I have been in a state of panic ever since finding out and knowing I will have to confront him. Why he would request for me to come has me on edge, making me wonder if this is going to be a cause for the vision. I also lost my phone. I have no idea where I put it, but that is another issue for another day. I yawn, looking at the clock. It is a little after 5 pm. Is that all it is? My eyes are practically falling out of my head. The room shud

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