Book 3 Chapter 1

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Andrei POV Three days and still no sleep, it irritated me as I watched the sunrise. I spent the night again staring at the shadows on the roof, no reprieve from my racing mind, the "what if's and could have been’s." Not even the screams of the rogue in the basement helped; I killed him too quickly. I should have left him alive, but I could not afford for Kat to hear him screaming. Her hearing was even more heightened than ours now. It was not a risk I could afford to take. My phone was ringing, yet I couldn’t move as I listened to it ring before it went quiet, only to ring again. “Just answer it, Andrei, you aren’t the only one tired,” Donnie growls in my head. I rolled on my side, reaching for the damn thing and seeing my sister's face pop up on the screen; it was a picture of her, Angie, and some other girl Jasmine. Her name is, they were at school. I could not bring myself to delete it even though it hurt every time I saw my mate's face light up on the screen. “Hey, Sis,” I answered with a sigh. “Have you spoken to dad?” She asks, and I rub and hand down my face, sit up and climb out of bed. “No, I haven’t spoken to Derrick in a few days; why?” “I was going to see if he wanted to come to my birthing class, Mateo had to take over Patrol, and now I have no one to go with.” “Where is Ezra?” I ask her. “Meetings,” she says before sighing. Ah, damn it. This is the last thing I wanted to do, but I also hated upsetting her. “What time is it at?” I ask. “In an hour.” “Fine, I will take you; I don’t have to do anything, do I?” “Really? You would go?” She asked, and I could hear the shock in her voice. Little did she know I would do anything for her. I always wanted a sister or a brother growing up; I wanted a real family, a big family. Kat was my family and family I would die for. “Yes, why wouldn’t I?” I ask her. “Just can’t picture you wanting to go,” she says. “Do you want to go or not, Kat?” “Yes, but you don’t have to. I can get a lift in town.” "I'll see you in an hour," I say before I hang up the phone. I grab a pair of jeans and a button-down shirt and lay them on the bed before heading for the shower. I do not think Kat would appreciate me walking in covered in blood. I showered quickly before getting dressed and leaving. The drive there took 30 minutes, and Kat was waiting out front when I pulled into her driveway. I reach over and open the door for her, and she climbs in. “Seatbelt,” I tell her when she just sits there. “They are uncomfortable,” she says, and I turn my car off. “We aren’t moving until it is on,” I tell her; I know she is young, but her hissy fits will not work on me, Queen or not; she is still my sister. She rolls her eyes before reaching for it. “Fine,” she says, clicking it into place before adjusting it around her stomach. I start the car. “You are just as bad as them,” she mutters, reaching for the radio and flicking through the stations till she finds one she likes. “How is the pack?” She asks. “Fine, working. What do you do in the birthing class thing?” “Mainly breathing exercises,” she answers. “Like meditation?” “No, more like a group of women sitting in a circle panting like heifers seeing who turns red-faced first.” she says, and I know Mateo had signed her up for it. “You seem really interested in it,” I told her sarcastically. “Mateo signed me up for it, and it gets me out of the house; take the next left,” she says. So, I follow her directions before pulling up at a house. “This is it? “I ask her, looking at the house. It looked more like a cottage, had cottage-style gardens, and was just on the outskirt of town. Kat opens her door and climbs out. I followed her out before walking the small path to the house and could hear the chatter of women and their partners inside. Walking into the place, it smells heavily of Lavender and has little water fountains and a huge room, I realized they gutted a house to open it up. A woman walks over with dark hair cut in a bob before stopping as she looks at me. “My Queen,” she acknowledges Kat before eyeing me. “Alpha,” she says before looking at Kat, confused. “Mateo couldn’t make it. So, this is Andrei, my brother.” “Oh, you brought your brother with you?” She says like she thought it was strange. “Don’t make it weird, lady; just show us where to go,” I tell her, and Kat nudges me with her elbow. “What! She is making it weird that I would come like I am some creep getting his jollies off on pregnant women,'' I tell her. “No, that is not what? Oh, never mind, just take a seat; kat will show you where to go,” the woman says before rushing off; she sits on a yoga ball in the center of the circle the woman and their partners had formed. I found a spot sitting on the floor, and Donnie was growling in my head, not wanting to be here, but I shoved him back, reminding him we were doing this for Kat, and he seemed to settle down. For the most part, it was mainly breathing exercises until the woman grabbed a remote before flicking on a flat-screen TV and putting on a birthing video. The women had mixed reactions watching a birth. I could tell Kat was fascinated by it as she sat between my legs watching. Some were horrified, and one man fainted. Yep, he will be a great birthing partner, I thought. He couldn’t even handle a video; how would he handle the real thing? I watched as the woman that ran the meeting fanned him with a piece of paper while his mate looked like she was about to murder him for fainting. I shake my head, turning back to the video when I feel a hand pat my chest making me look up to see Mateo. “Thanks for taking her,” he says, and Kat looks up at him with a big grin on her face at seeing her mate. She leans forward, letting me up, and I kiss her cheek, letting Mateo take my spot. “I will ring you later,” I tell her before Mateo grips my forearm before turning back to her. He was always so patient with her, always eager to do what she wanted. Had him even show up home a few days ago for a cucumber, Kat has been craving them, and he drove over to my pack to get her one since the shops were out. Poor guy, now I make sure to drop some over there every time I visit since we grow most of our stuff anyway. “Thank God, watching that s**t, I nearly contemplated turning gay,” Donnie says. I shook my head at my wolf, but I was also excited to get out of there so I could hunt down another rogue. I need to hurt something, need their screams to drown out the screams of my pack, need to see their dead faces instead of hers; I need to do anything to get the image of what they did to her out of my head. Once I was home, I got out of my car to see one of my pack members waiting at the door of the packhouse. His fear was so strong I could smell it, and it enraged me; they did not need to be scared; nothing was getting in or out of this pack, yet they were all too scared to go about their normal lives. “Alpha?” He says, baring his neck. His blonde locks fell in his eyes as I approached him. His green eyes are fearful when I step in front of him. “What is it, Clay?” I ask, annoyed, I know they hear the rogues screaming, but they have no reason to fear me; it isn't any of them strapped to the table. “A few of the unmated wolves want permission to leave, " he stammered. “What for?” I watch his Adam’s apple bob in his throat. “Speak, I haven't got all day,” I tell him, annoyed that he is wasting my time. “They want to go in search of their mates,” he says so quickly his words jumbled, and he stuttered. “Why do they need permission to do that?” I ask him, and he drops his head. “We just thought to tell you since we lost Luna” I cut off his words, and I don't even remember moving when my hands were suddenly around his throat. I wasn't sure if I did it or Donnie as I strangled him, his hands clutching mine as his eyes widened.
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