Book 2 Chapter 24-2

1386 Words

Patient showed signs he caught the madness and could no longer recall his name, and was received to hast gone mad after the loss of his mates, both died from black perpetual wink plague, and without them, he deteriorated into onset madness. He showed ere signs of corporal decline. His ability to heal died with them, inability to shift even on a full moon, and could no longer heal. It is received his physic ability for others depleted ere he took his own life, injuries discover he used his venom to end his life, the benison bestowed upon him by the Moon Goddess not deterred ere his demise was actually a beshrew without his beloved mates to keep him firm-set. ******* I read the passage again before looking at Mateo. “You understand what it says?” I have a headache just from reading the old

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