Book 2 Chapter 22-2

1963 Words

Madeline shrieks, her body thrashes back and forth as her grip on the bars keeps her glued to the current. Her cries grow louder until they become nothing but a high-pitched squeal of agony before Mateo flips the switch again. She falls to the ground and the air stinks of the electric charge and burnt skin. My nose scrunches, but I don't turn away. Madeline collapses to the ground before clambering to her hands and knees. Her eyes are red and glassy. “What the hell, Mateo?" she rasps. Her voice is cracked, barely audible after all her screaming. She struggles to her feet and backs away from the bars. Instead of learning her lesson, she blinks rapidly, her eyes darting between Mateo and Ezra, before falling on me again. She points a finger at me, but well away from the bars. Her lips cur

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