Chapter 20

1816 Words

“Why did you block me out? And why are you out here by yourself?” He looks around the clearing, searching no doubt for my parents. He huffs and comes closer. “I didn’t want to be around them,” I answer and he nods his head. His wolf sniffs me, pressing his face into my neck before licking it. I push him away. His fur is soft beneath my palms and his big furry head nudges me, forcing his head under my arm wanting a scratch, his tongue lolling out the side as his tail wags excitedly. “Sorry, my wolf is a little excited,” he apologizes. I chuckle at the awkward admission. “What’s his name?” I brush his fur when he rolls out from under my arm. He wags his tail harder and plunges his head between my legs, sniffing hard. I shove his big head away and wag a finger at him. "Don't be rude." Hi

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