Chapter 66

1721 Words

Kora wants blood and I feel the first twinge of her forcing control. A hand drops on my shoulder. Mateo’s scent hits my nose, and he crushes me under his arm to his chest, wrapping both arms across my shoulders. "Do you need help leaving, Madeline?" Mateo asks with a wide smile, his grip on my shoulders is so tight and Kora knows shifting will mean hurting him. I feel her release the hold she has on me, my body relaxes, and the trembling stops. "Madeline leave!" Ezra commands, a strangled whimper leaves her lips as she rushes past me while sending me a glare from the rejection. Mateo lets me go, only for Ezra to grab my arm. "You need to get yourself under control. You can't shift at school, you could expose yourself," Ezra snaps. "So what? You expect me to watch her throw herself at y

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