Chapter 23

1666 Words

We watch the Conjuring. Mateo has the blanket pressed under his nose the entire time so he can cover his eyes at the so-called scary parts. Some part of me thought he was just joking about being scared about this kind of thing. I have never met anyone so scared of a movie. He is worse than a little girl, jumping every second, shrieking and pressing so close, he might as well sit on my damn lap. Ezra passes out about twenty minutes into the movie, saying it’s boring. Mateo has his eyes glued to the TV, too scared to look away. He keeps asking when the scary parts are over, as he continues to watch between the gaps of his fingers, pressing against me, like I can protect him from the TV. Grabbing our empty plates, I put them in the trash downstairs before coming back up to find Mateo pra

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