Chapter 10

1650 Words

Ezra My mind races as I pace the hospital room and watch as the Doc gives Kat some injections and hooks an IV up to her. My blood is boiling trying to figure out how she got wolfsbane in her system. Shirley stands by the far window, her brows furrow in worry, her thumb and finger pinching her bottom lip as she watches the Doctor. "Get out!" I tell everyone but the Doctor, the two nurses instantly rush out the door. Shirley lifts her head to look at me but remains, tears roll down her face as she looks on at her daughter who is unconscious, laying on the hospital bed covered by the clinical blue hospital blanket. "I said get out!" Shirley looks at me startled. "She is my daughter. You can't make me leave her," she scoffs. "Until I find out how she ingested wolfsbane, no one goes near h

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