Chapter 43

1586 Words

Katya My mom's voice is the first thing I hear when I wake up. "How are you feeling this morning?" "Good, but we need to talk," I tell her, and she goes silent for a long moment. "So you got your wolf then, and know about the Alpha?" she asks. "Yes, I know he is my mate….. Am I adopted?" I ask after a few more seconds of silence, I feel it best to just blurt it out, pull the band-aid off if you will. "What? No, Kat, I can explain. Just give us a chance to speak to you. We have been dreading this day since you were born." "So you knew all this time and didn't think to tell me?" I might have snapped at her with that question. "We were trying to protect you, if people knew, Kat-" she doesn't finish, just goes quiet. "We should really do this in person." "Yes, I will come over today.

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