Chapter 40

2599 Words

Kora is restless within me as she whines, and I find myself plunged into new surroundings. ******* I am running; I don’t recognize where I am running to. I just know I need to help them. I run through the trees before stopping at a small village hidden amongst the forest next to a field. The place is set alight, fields filled with wolves dying and fighting. We are at war. I hide on the outskirts, watching men with pitchforks file out and march down a small dirt road. The cries of children ring through the night. Everything settles and falls still. Except for the agonized howls and crying. It is over. I creep out from my hiding place. The Earth is stained with my Pack’s blood, the air thick with the pungent smell of death and scorched earth. The entire village is decimated. There

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