Chapter 1

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Hurrying across the yard, the petit girl kept her head down and did not want to make eye contact with anyone. She knew that she was going to be in for it now, and so did everyone else that she passed. One look at her, and they would be able to tell that she had gone down to the river to go swimming. That would have been okay. She might have gotten away with that if she had not fallen asleep on the grass in the sunshine afterward. She had always loved to be out in nature, even more than the rest of the kids did. She was always the first one outside and the last one to come in. She was also almost always the one that was in trouble for wandering off and not telling anyone, or not coming home on time for dinner. For this reason, she had been labeled trouble by many of the other parents early on. Her parents would be upset, sure, but they usually let some of her goofing off like this slide, but tonight was not a dinner to miss. She knew her parents loved her and understood her love for the outdoors, but they also tried to instill in her a sense of responsibility when it comes to following the rules. That never really seemed to work. Her mom used to say that she was a free spirit. Her dad would tell her, when she was little, that she was descended from fairies. Whatever it was, she just could not help herself. She hurried up the walk and to the front door. She hesitated before opening it and could hear voices inside. "I am sorry you missed her. Maybe we can have a meeting in your office tomorrow to discuss it." Her mother was saying. Ella knew how embarrassed she must be. Her mother would make excuses to the guests, especially important ones, but once they were gone she would lose her patience. "I don't think that will be necessary." The familiar deep baritone of the Alpha said. "Just make sure she is actually on time for her ceremony." There was the scraping of chair legs on the floor, and footsteps toward the door. Taking two steps back, she made a last second decision, and dove behind one of the bushes in front of the house. The front door opened, and a tall man with dark graying hair walked out. Her father was standing in the doorway. "I am sorry to have taken up your time, Alpha." He reached out his hand and shook the Alpha's. She watched the big man's nostrils flare as he sniffed the air. "It's fine Ray. You know that I always like to find an excuse to get a piece of Marilyn's homemade peach cobbler." Both men laughed and said goodnight. The door closed, and the Alpha turned his back and looked like he was going to walk away. "You can come out now Ella." He stood waiting on the walkway with his back to her. Ella froze. Damn that werewolf sense of smell. She crawled out from under the bush on her hands and knees. Standing up, she brushed herself off and took a hesitant step forward. "Hello Alpha Ward." She said shyly. She knew that she was in for it. Not only had she kept them waiting, she completely missed the appointment. To make matters worse, this was not the first time either. Ella ducked her head in disgrace, waiting for the scolding that was going to rain down from the Alpha. "Ella, look at me." He ordered. Ella raised her eyes to the face of the man who had now had turned to face her. "Ella, I am not going to lecture you. You are the reason that we were having this meeting tonight, and it was not important enough to you to be there. That is your choice. Your eighteenth birthday is in two days, and you will be considered an adult. That means adult responsibilities to yourself, your family, and to your pack. I need to know that the pack can count on you. I need to know that you can be trusted. I will not say anymore. I want you to meet me at the pack house tomorrow morning at sun up. Be ready to work." With that, the Alpha turned and walked down the sidewalk, got in his car and drove away. Ella stood there for a moment taking in what the Alpha had just said. A light appeared behind her, and a voice called out to her. "Ella? Ella Stone, you get in this house right now!" Her mother had almost certainly seen, and probably heard the whole exchange with the Alpha on the lawn. Ella knew that she would also be grounded on top of the punishment that the Alpha was going to impose on her tomorrow morning. Ella walked slowly into the house. She walked past her mother, who was standing holding the door open. Her father sat in the living room reading a book in his chair. He nodded to her as she was ushered into the dining room by her mother. Her mother looked at her with a look of frustration on her face. "Sit." was all she said before walking out of the room. She returned a moment later with Ella's dinner and a plate of cobbler on the side. Her mother placed them both in front of Ella and then stared at her. "I overheard you talking with the Alpha. It appears that you will have to suffer his punishment this time. Maybe he can get through to you. Eat, wash, and then off to bed." Her mother started to walk out of the room and paused as she walked by Ella. She put her hand on her shoulder. "We love you very much Ella. I just wish that you would get your head out of the clouds long enough to be where you are supposed to be on time." Her mother started to walk into the kitchen and then paused again. "Your lucky that the Alpha likes my peach cobbler as much as he does. I think he was in a better mood after dessert." She gave a small smile and walked out of the room to go clean up in the kitchen. Ella felt awful. She hurriedly ate her dinner and took her plate into the kitchen to help her mother with the cleanup. Together, they washed and dried all the dishes, and put all the leftovers away. Ella grabbed her plate of cobbler and went out to the living room. Her Dad was still in his chair reading his book. Ella sat on the love seat next to him. "So you have to meet the Alpha tomorrow morning?" Her father asked without lowering his book. Ella just groaned. Her father closed his book and looked at her. "Ella, we are not going to scold you or ground you. The Alpha is right. In just a couple of days, you will be an official adult member of this pack. You will be expected to take care of your duties like everyone else. You need to grow up and be responsible now. Your mother will only be able to keep out of so much trouble with her cobbler." He smiled at her fondly. Ella looked up at him. "I know you are right. I will try to do better from now on." Her Dad reached over and patted her knee. He looked at Ella's plate of cobbler and then longingly at the kitchen. Ella caught his eye and produced a second fork from under her plate and held it out to him. She gave her father a mischievous smile and handed her father the fork. For now, she had escaped the storm, however, tomorrow may bring a different outcome.
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