7. Carmen

1713 Words

7 Carmen Buzz, buzz. I woke up groggily. The world looked like blurry blobs of color through my hangover and my sleep-crusted eyelids. I felt Benji stir behind me, but he didn’t wake up. What the hell was that buzzing? It was driving me crazy. My head hurt and my whole body was sore and weak. Buzz, buzz. Benji stirred again. He propped himself up on an elbow and surveyed the room. I twisted around to look at him. “What is that?” I murmured. I still hadn’t gathered my wits about me. I felt too tired to move. “I think it’s your phone,” he said. His voice was thick with sleepiness, just like mine. But at his words, I jolted upright. “What?” I exclaimed. “Where?” I didn’t wait for an answer. I leaped out of bed, still completely naked, and started hunting around the room for the source

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