Chapter 24

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It was that time of the century again, where the demons were at full power and every single inhibition they had was thrown out the window. Most demons hated it, some relished it, and others just went with the flow. Incubi normal loved it. A chance to go wild, impregnating strong females at their relish was the dream. Not Tomayr though. He wasn't sure if the other Incubi thought the same, but he definitely absolutely hated it. Not only was it unbearably bright, but the miasma covering the world being at its densest made his blood boil with the intense need to mate. As he trudged through the hellish, rocky landscape that made up the 1st level of hell, he had to take wide steps due to the large gonads in between his legs. So swollen were they with seed that they were as large, if not larger, than grapefruits, his scrotum taut from the internal pressure of being packed so full of c*m. The worst part was he couldn't even relieve himself with his hands. He couldn't help it, it was part of what he was. The Season of Sun made all Incubi unable to deposit their seed unless it was deep inside a female's cunt - another one of the reasons why he hated it. This unique part of their biology made them known for being the male versions of Succubi, even though the truth was far from it. How he wished he could just bend one of those winged whores and ram his aching c**k deep inside them, but Tomayr knew that wouldn't work. Succubi were asexual, using the semen they got from f*****g to make an altered copy of themselves. They weren't even technically male or female, being genderless demons who only looked like girls, so they were off the table during the Season of Sun. Tomayr didn't know what went through his head when he let it get this bad. Sure, the Middle Realm was closed as per usual - the humans and whatnot weren't fans of demons and did their best to close all rifts during the Season of Sun - but the lack of prey wasn't a reason to risk death by nutsack inflation. He was a strong Incubus by all rights and means, but fighting the other demons in the 6th level didn't really rile him up as it used to. His apathy got to the point where the other Incubi called him an Acadia demon. The only reason why he was hunting on the 1st level in the first place was because only small fry lived there. This would be an insult to other Incubi, who wanted strong prey to make strong offspring, but Tomayr was content with merely getting rid of his urges. A flash of pain made a groan escape his lips as his balls swelled a tiny bit more. If he didn't find a mate soon he might have to settle for one of the wild animals. The furred slit of a Lavis, a moving block of fire-flesh that looked like a wolf, from a few days ago, something he rejected out of pure principle, seemed mighty fine now. It was not pleasing to know that he might have to resort to preying on the animals just to avoid a gruesome death by crotch explosion. The frustrated demon kept walking, his foot long d**k erect in front of him like a dowsing stick, looking for a hole to fill. One of the worst parts of being a demon was that you lived in Hell. Now, contrary to the upper-realm dweller's belief's, the demon world wasn't that bad. It was just a hotter, lava filled, more hostile version of the reality above it. Truly, it was not so different at all... except for the fact that the demon world was infinitely large. The High and Middle realms had it great, to Tomayr at least. They were confined to a big ball of mud or light, and were stuck on it until they learned to fly to other big balls of mud. In Hell, there was only one infinitely big flat multiple-leveled mudball. The landscape just went on and on. If one were high enough, they could see the beautiful sight of the land stretching out until the Hell Fog obscured their vision. A beautiful sight, but it didn't help Tomayr now. How he wished the demon realm was confined by a spacial loop that limited it, just like all the other mudballs. For Tomayr, the place was too divined big to realistically find a girl to f**k so he wouldn't die. The 1st level was about a million times more populated than the 6th level, but it was still infinitely big. A million miles probably only held no more than a hundred thousand demons. He had been walking for nearly a week now, the miasma feeding him all the energy needed to do so, and he had yet to encounter one damned female! Then suddenly, while he was distracted by his moping, Tomayr fell into a lava pit. It wasn't much of a problem seeing as he fell into the shallower portion of the pit, sinking in only a little past his knees, and as a demon he was also naturally immune to all sources of fire. He would've moped some more about being soaked in lava, if it wasn't for the hiss that came from his left. Excitement pumped into his heart. Even while filled with apathy, Tomayr was a demon through and through. All demons loved a good fight, and seeing who had issued that hiss made his blood pump even harder. It was a Magma Hellion, a female one at that. The Magma Hellion let out another hiss, her white fangs bared at the sudden intruder. The black slits in the middle of her golden irises were trained on Tomayr, watching his every move to decide if she should fight to defend her turf or run away to live another day. Tomayr on the other hand, was more relaxed. His black eyes examined his would-be prey. The Magma Hellion before him was a little bit larger for her species. She was petite, standing barely five-feet tall. Black rock-like growths grew from below her elbows to her fingers, increasing in size and frequency until her clawed hands looked like cooled magma rather than flesh. Her skin was a light brown in complexion, as was common for those in the 1st and 2nd levels of Hell. On the sides of her head, where of normal ears would be, were large bat ears. The wild mane of red hair on her head reached past her slender neck and stopped a little below her shoulders. Her clothing was primitive, a small strip of black cloth -probably the hide of some dead animal - that could barely be considered a mirco-bikini bottom covered her slit. Her breasts were left bare for the world to see, the two apple-sized mounds topped with flat pink n*****s. The only other thing she was wearing was a black neck corset that covered the entirety of her slender neck, likely made from the same animal hide as her panties. Tomayr looked around. Where there was one Magma Hellion, there was usually a whole pack of them. The thought of all those p*****s to fertilize made his c**k throb, but there was no hint of any other Magma Hellion. She was alone. He frowned at the thought. Was she abandoned? Magma Hellions tended to flock to stronger Magma Hellions. Her size must mean that she was strong for her kind, making her being alone strange. His c**k didn't care at how strange it was,all it cared about was that her was strong for her kind. It twitched at the thought of finally getting some relief, and the Magma Hellion stared at it like it was a snake ready to dig into her. In one way, she was correct. After scrutinizing his surroundings a bit more, Tomayr readied himself. "Come." He commanded in the Lilith Tongue. It was a word with two meanings: to present one's self before him and to climax. The girl's legs buckled, and Tomayr could see her fluids soak through her panties and coat her slender thighs as her p***y flooded from his order. The Incubus expected her to walk towards him like so many females before her, but as the girl caught herself the haze of lust on her face quickly lost itself to a look of confusion, then anger. His word that should've made her lose all resistance made the Magma Hellion even more resistant. "T-this is m-my turf and my t-t-turf only!!" The girl's legs were shaking like a newborn animal's as she screamed with her high-pitched, raspy voice. There was a hint of loneliness at her statement, but it was quickly hidden under her aggression. "F-f**k off!!" Her rock-like hands were raised in a stance, but the stance was so full of openings from her trembling that Tomayr couldn't tell if it was one meant for defence or offence, or if it was a stance at all. "Relax, little lamb." More words in Lilith Tongue. The girl's body trembled once more, so much of her grool was soaked into her panties that the liquid dripped to the hot floor in strings. "Let me put a my seed in you, and then I'll leave." The Magma Hellion's entire body twitched at his voice. This was supposed to be the part where the female's will would crumble and present her snatch for him to take. That didn't happen. Emotions flashed through her cat-like eyes, confusion, lust, anger, and finally one of fear. Here was someone who didn't even see her as a challenge, or even an easy meal, but merely a sack of flesh to carry his pups. Motherhood from a different species was a terrible thing in the Demon world, and even an Imp could tell that the two were of different species. The mother was never too sure if the offspring planted in her womb, that constantly stole much needed nutrients to fuel their growth, were the kind to be born vaginally, or if they were the kind to eat their way out. A growl rose from her throat, her teeth bared. As her opponent, Tomayr growled in return. For a moment, Tomayr thought that the girl would use his acceptance of a fight to turn and flee, like some weaker being would. It was the smart thing to do, and the Incubus was incredibly delighted when she leapt from the molten shoreline to do the opposite. It happened in a flash. One moment the Magma Hellion was soaring through the air, claws ready to s***h her attacker's face into ribbons, the next she found herself soaring back to the shore of the lava pit. Her petite body crashed into the hard black rock, tumbling a few feet before stopping. Luckily she was of demon-kin in the middle of the Season of Sun, the broken bones and wounds healed in a matter of seconds. Still, the blow to her head had 'displaced' her brain for a few moments and knocked her out for the taking. Tomayr sauntered over, c**k twitching madly with the prospect of a f**k. Cinder, the Magma Hellion, felt something rip into her. She wondered what was going, confused as to what this feeling was and why she was feeling it. Then everything rushed back to her; the fight, the intruder, and the intruder's desire. She opened her eyes in a panic, and what she saw nearly made her faint. The intruder was holding her by the waist, the s****l organ between his legs lodged up as far as it could go into her. A large bulge jutted out on her toned stomach, just below her belly button. Her first time was stolen just like that, by a demon she didn't even chose as her first mate. He smiled at her. It was a kind, caring smile, and even as a demon Cinder could feel herself forgiving him for what he had done. Then he started moving. It was pain. There was so much pain. He thrust against her with so much force that wind was knocked out of her lungs. The entrance to her womb buckled from it, but being meant to hold the weight of 2-3 pups meant that it held against the d**k banging against it. It still hurt, like a muscle being torn. Tomayr stopped his motions for a second, letting the poor girl breathe. The Magma Hellion let out a scream, but it wasn't one of pain. Cinder screamed out. She was feeling pain yes, so much in fact that she wanted to vomit, but the weird part was that whenever it hurt the pleasure came ten-fold, drowning out the pain. Her confusion, shock, and pleasure let themselves be known to the world through her voice. The scream was cut short when the intruder started moving again. Every time he fed her lower lips some meat, her stomach protruding outwards with every thrust. It felt painful, and indeed it did hurt, but the pleasure from the act was immeasurable. She watched as her belly bulged like something was trying to bust out from within her. After a few seconds of this scene from a horror movie, and without warning, an orgasm painful coursed through her nerves. Cinder's eyes tried to roll back into her head as her first ever orgasm rocked her body. "You like that?" Tomayr grinned, enjoying his prey's tight confines. Even though the answer was obvious, her fem-slime overflowing, the Magma Hellion found it in herself to shake her head after coming down from her high. "Stop!" She tried to say, but another orgasm lanced its way into her head and only a raspy whine left her lips. Her hands could only dig into the ground, carving through the rock as her p***y clenched hard on Tomayr's tool. Her p***y made even more love-juice, and every time Tomayr pulled away strings of the fluid would connect them together. Tomayr wanted to enjoy this, he really would've. Alas, the Season of Sun made it impossible to do so. The second his c**k slammed into her cervix, he felt a click in his head and his balls went into overdrive to produce more sperm. He only held back to see the look on his prey's face, and now that she was awake- The Magma Hellion screamed, a long guttural whine piercing the air as orgasm came after orgasm. Tomayr moved with more force now, his thrusts getting faster and more brutal, making her small breasts bounce from each powerful thrust. To her, it seemed like the c**k going wild inside of her was trying to break down her cervix, as if trying to go even deep-  
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