Chapter 3

1240 Words
Recently, while on a fishing trip, I had the most peculiar dream. It was early summer, the weather warm but not hot. The days were getting longer and the earth had nearly come completely out of its winter slumber. All around buds were opening themselves to the sun and the wood was in the middle of its yearly transformation from gray and brown to green. It was a perfect time to be outside, and what better way to be outside than to go camping? I talked to my buddy John, and we decided to make it a weekend long trip. There is a small lake about a half of an hour from the city that we often frequent to go fishing. There were rumors that the lake actually had a few homes around it, but if there was, I had never seen any of them. So, after a long day of a lot of anticipation and little productivity, we made it up to the lake. After a little searching, we found a decent campsite; a small clearing near the lake empty save for the creek winding itself lazily along one side and a large rock near the tree line. An hour later we had set up camp, gathered firewood, and were down at the lake hoping to catch some dinner. As I stood there at the shore, breathing in the crisp early summer air, I was glad to be away from it all... even if it were just for a couple days. Our catch had been light, but enough. John built up the fire while I filleted the fish, and we had a modest but tasty dinner. The sun had nearly set when the first clouds began rolling in. Pretty soon deep foreboding clouds ablaze with the dying rays of the sun had gathered above us. While the sky was awash in brilliant oranges and yellows, the woods around us had deepened to nearly pitch black. It was going to rain, hopefully not too hard. We built up the fire so that it would last through the storm, a stack of newly gathered firewood under the nearest tree to keep it from getting soaked. And we sat back and waited. It is one thing to sit back and watch a storm from the safety of your own house. Its quite another to try to weather it out in a tent. But it wasn't raining yet, so we might as well enjoy the evening until it started. And so, we talked and waited, we built up the fire when needed and still no rain. It had to be close to midnight when the first flashes of lightning illuminated the clearing around us. Not long after the first raindrops began falling. Amazingly, though we had stoked the fire, it went out almost immediately. With as big as we had made it, there should have been embers still smoldering after a torrential rainfall, and here just a few drops put the thing out. A strange feeling came over me, something didn't fit. As John and I were trying to save the fire we both heard a noise off near the tree line. We both turned at the same instant and looked. There perched on the large rock by the creek sat a woman wearing only a sheen of rain. Our campfire had mysteriously leapt to life, and in the flickering fire light I could see the woman clearly. Her deep red hair clung wetly to her lovely damp skin. She sat cross legged, one arm resting behind her supporting her weight as she leaned back. Her other arm draped over her lap, hand between her legs, her fingers finding pleasure. It was a moan that had grabbed our attention. It was a deep, throaty moan. A moan full of want and lust. It dawned on me that such a wanton sound couldn't possibly come from the goddess I saw before me, but I was wrong. Another moan, every part the equal of the first escaped her lips. And what lips. Her face was thrown back in her self induced pleasure, staring up at the stormy sky. It was still only drizzling, but lighting and thunder were crashing all around. My heart raced, I had to have her. Before I knew what I was doing, I stood up and began walking as one hypnotized toward her. I pulled my wet shirt off and dropped my shorts. As I came close, I could hear her ragged breath. She tilted her head down at my approach, resting her chin on her heaving chest. I took her chin and gently tilted her face up toward mine. Our lips met and a wave of pleasure passed over me. Her lips were soft and inviting, her tongue sweet like honey. Our kiss became more passionate, our mouths trying to meld into one. I put one hand behind her head, guiding the kiss, the other on her bare back pulling her into me. We kissed each other hungrily, I could feel her heartbeat racing inside her chest. I gently broke the kiss. Planting a small kiss again on her lips, I began kissing down her body. I cupped her exquisite breasts, gently kneading them and playing with the n*****s. I moved my mouth down over to one. I ran my tongue around her n****e and took it into my mouth, suckling on it. I moved over to her other n****e and she let out a moan. Her body shivered in pleasure. I moved down to a kneeling position between her now outstretched legs. Pulling her hand from her soaking p***y lips, I replaced them with my tongue. I licked up one lip, and then the other savoring her sweet taste. I then ran my tongue up to her clit. As I began licking her swollen clit in earnest, she grabbed my hair and smashed my face into her. I put my arms around her ass supporting her back and pulling her tighter against my face. I licked, sucked, and bit her clit until my chin was numb. By then my c**k was hard as steel and throbbing in need of attention. I began kissing up her body, pushing my boxers down as I went. As I got to her mouth, the swollen head of my c**k brushed against her wet p***y lips and a bolt of pleasure shot through me. I reach down and position myself, and staring into her eyes push myself inside of her. I begin slowly f*****g her, but before long had built up speed. Her moans had turned into yelps of pleasure with each thrust. I was lost in passion. The next thing I knew, she was turning so that I would be sitting on the rock. John was standing behind her, and I think entered her from behind. Before long we were both f*****g her, our bodies slick from rain water and sweat. I don't know how long this continued, but before too long, we all came. After the woman recovered a little, she reached over my shoulder and grabbed what look like a small leather pouch. Opening it, she drizzled some of its contents on first John, then me. "Who are you?" I asked as darkness overtook me. The last thing I remember was her smile and whisper in my ear, "Wiccamoon." When I woke up, I was in my tent. Strange dream, huh?  
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