Chapter 5

1945 Words
Before time and the world as we know it began, there existed a Sage, a wise being with complete and finite knowledge. As he went on, he noticed around him a light and a dark side of his existence. Everything in his universe consisted of matter and energy. In his great wisdom he formed the matter into the Lady of the Moon and Earth and the energy he formed into the Lord of the Sun and Stars. He gave the Lady dominion over the Earth at our feet and the water that flows through. To the Lord he gave the fire of the sun and the wind that blows all about us. To assure that they would remain equal and never unbalance the world, he divided his powers evenly between the two. They, the light and the dark were now equal through out existence. The light could only exist with the dark and visa-versa. Together, The Lady and the Lord used their powers to create the world, as we know it. The Lady formed the Earth and filled it with Water. The Lord gave us the Sun above and the Air that we breathe. From the Earth and Water grew plants and animals. From the Air came clouds and the Fire begat the sun's rays, all existed in reliance of the other. The Lady and the Lord, pleased with what they had done, created humans to care for the planet and its contents. From these humans the Lady and Lord chose four to become the Watchtowers of the Elements. They were given the powers for the corner they would protect. Earth, Fire, Air and Water, and were to keep balance in the world. All was well, for now. Unfortunately, even with the greatest good, comes evil, again light and dark. The power started to corrupt the Watchtowers of the elements and they began to unleash destruction on the world. Fire sent fire and brimstone to burn the inhabitants. Then Water not wanting to be outdone sent in the great flood. The air then reciprocated with typhoons and tornadoes. The final catastrophe was Earth who shook and rumbled, swallowing everything insight. They were constantly pinned in battle and when the Lord and Lady could no longer control them, they again turned to the humans for help. The Lady chose the greatest being of light and the Lord chose an equivalent being of dark. They were charged with the powers of the Divine and sent to banish the Watchtowers back to the corners of the world. In a great battle the beings were successful and the Watchtowers were banished from the corporeal world and sent back to their corners, never to return. The Lady and Lord were so grateful that balance had been restored; the mortals were permitted to retain their powers to help their respective sides. The descendants of the mortal of light are what we know as witches, fairies, nymphs, mermaids and so forth. The descendants of the mortal of dark are the vampires, werewolves and demons. Ever keeping the balance of good and evil steady. Unbeknownst to the Lady and the Lord, the Watchtowers slowly fed on the powers of good and evil, in one day hoping to have enough power to once again restore them selves to the corporeal plain. The Sage, seeing what was to happen, prophesized that one of the descendant of each line, would as a pair be the source of the greatest power ever known. My past I could hear the screams of several coven members and I knew it was because of my father. I remember running down the stairs from my room and into the altar room of the castle. I could feel everyone's fear. I had a horrible feeling all day that something bad was going to happen and now it was here. The entire European Coven was gathered in a circle around my father. "Daddy!" I opened a door for myself in the circle and I ran to him. My father was on the floor holding an athame that was sticking out of his chest. He was trying desperately to pull it out, but I knew it had been poisoned. A sure way to kill the High Priest of a coven was to poison an athame and aim for the heart. I ran to my father's side. "Daddy, Daddy!" I knelt beside him. One of the coven members was trying to call me back, "No child! It is poisonous to you also." My father reached up and touched my chin. "You'd better take care of yourself, princess." He smiled at me and then was still. I screamed and clutched him. "Who killed my Daddy?" No one answered, but I could read it in their faces with out using my powers. A powerful warlock named Devon had been trying to steal my father's powers ever since my mother had died giving birth to me. With the High Priestess dead, my father was left slightly vulnerable. If Devon could get my father's powers before I turned fifteen, then he would also receive my mother's leaving me unprotected. Magic is past down from generation to generation. When I was born, I was born with my own powers, but would also receive those of my family when I turned fifteen. Unfortunately for Devon, my father did not die with Devon's hand on the athame. It was the only way to transfer powers outside of a bloodline. I would now receive both of my parents' full powers. I didn't want the powers. I wanted my daddy back. I was trying to read his mind but all I could find was emptiness. Since he had been killed magically his soul went to the void, a dark and horrible place, where you had to prove your worth to pass on. He didn't deserve to be there. Nobody deserved to be there. "Daddy, come back..." I was looking at the dagger. Being the daughter of the High Priest and Priestess of the European coven meant that I had magic coursing through my body from both bloodlines. The poison from the athame could kill me with out a cut, so before anyone could read what I was about to do, I pulled out the athame from my father's chest and sliced open the palm of my hand and placed the fresh cut on the wound on father's chest. Barbara, a lead member of the coven was trying to grab the athame from me but I cast a circle around my father and I. I could feel the entire coven trying to open the circle, but they were being held back by something stronger. Some how I had used my power of empathy to tap in to the powers of the Lord and Lady and I could hold my own against the coven. It was the first real boost of power I had ever had. I looked down at my father. "Daddy..." I concentrated on the blood that had connected us in life. "Osiris! Give me back my father!" I called to the God of death. I felt a light wash over me and the circle was broken. I looked down at my father. His wound had healed, but he was still gone. "Luna!" Barbara grabbed me and waved the athame across the room. By this time the rest of the coven had surrounded us. Barbara flipped my palm up to look at the wound I had caused. Nothing. Not even a scar. Everyone sat in amazement. Just then a light formed above father's body. His soul was standing, facing us. "Dear Luna." He walked to Barbara and I. "Daddy!" I wanted to reach out to him, but she held me close. He put his hands on my face. "Luna, you brought my soul back from the void and have allowed me to move on. Thank you princess" He was smiling at us. "No Daddy! I want you back with us." I began to cry. "It is my time, my family." He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Take care of this one. She will be part of something great." He started to fade. "Daddy!" The coven formed a circle around us again. My father faded away and I remember Barbara turning to the coven and asking them to protect me under any circumstance. They all answered, "Blessed be."     “You remember everything?” asked Annie as I wept in the thought that I had to spent so many years at the marsh. I had to find my brother and take my revenge on him and I knew that the entire thing was not going to be easy and neither was it a joke. “You know how I spent all those years in that marsh where I was dead and yet I was alive? My own twin, the one who shared my mother’s womb with me is the one who put me there,” I said and Annie came closer to me and held me to her bosom. “You have spent a lot of time crying and now it is not going to work any longer, darling. There are a series of rituals that you need to go through if you want to gain back all the powers that you actually deserve and your bastard of brother does not. It is good to see that you have already had s*x with one or two of human men. It will certainly help but until and unless you are sacrificing them to the God of Death he is never going to come and listen to what you say,” said Annie. “I have killed plenty of men in all these years, Annie. I know of death. I reek of death and worse I took the body of this young charlatan….so tell me how do I look? Am I beautiful?” I asked as Annie stared at me and said,” You are not what I would say beautiful in my eyes but darling men will be drawn to you like moths to flame and you are going to burn them at will.” “If that was the only thing I needed then my thirst for revenge would have been gone by now but it is not that. Until and unless I slice open his throat and drink his blood I am not going to be able to ever sleep in peace in my entire life. And I am doomed for eternity,” said Luna as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “You will be able to do that. But you have to know, that your brother goes by the name of papa midnight now. He is a formidable power from all the sides and he uses voodoo to enhance his powers every single day….” Said Annie and Luna smiled. “He has increased his power in the power of men and I have increased mine in that of souls….he has no idea who is coming for him but I am ready to do whatever it takes in order to make him pay for what he did to me. He took my family, he took my power, he took my place as the head of the family and then cursed me to a fate worse than dead. He tried to decapitate me so that I could never ever come back again but now the time has come to pay for all the crimes that he has committed against me and I am going to skin him alive,” said Luna.  
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