
1529 Words
Victoria’s POV The door opened, and Jane walked in with Aidan in her hand. They both walked up to me, and I took Aidan from her as I stood up. "Are you okay?" she asked, and I nodded and smiled at Aidan, whose future would be decided in a few minutes from now. "Shall we go?" Jane asked, and I nodded. She took my hand and Aidan's before teleporting us to the hall where the meeting was to be held. When we arrived, I saw seven gammas seated, while Beta Tony took his seat beside Derick's empty throne. Seeing the empty seat made my heart clench in my chest, but I composed myself and made my way to my seat, which was also beside Derick's empty seat. I took my seat and carried Aidan in my lap, staring at the gammas, who all had unreadable expressions on their faces. I held my gaze with Lord Luciano, Derick's father, and he weakly smiled and looked away. "It seems we are now complete,” Gamma Edmund spoke up. “Then let the meeting begin,” he said, and Beta Tony stood to his feet. “We are all aware of the tragic death of Alpha Derick,” he spoke, while I frowned and gave him a hateful glare. There was something about him that didn't seem right. “Alpha Derick is gone, but the throne cannot be left empty,” he said, while I furrowed my eyebrows, waiting for him to finish. "We are all aware that Alpha Derick has a son, but his child is just a kid and can't sit on the throne," he said, while I clenched my fists, waiting for him to complete his words. "So, I have come with a suggestion that I take up the throne until Aidan is of the rightful age. This is best for the pack." My heart pounded in my chest, and anger surged through me like a wildfire. How could Beta Tony even suggest such a thing? It felt like a betrayal, a betrayal not only to Derick's memory but also to me and our son. I rose to my feet, cradling Aidan protectively in my arms. My voice trembled with a mix of grief and anger as I addressed the room. "No! I will not stand for this. Beta Tony, how dare you suggest taking the throne? You were Derick's Beta, his most trusted confidant. How could you betray him like this?" The room fell into an uneasy silence as all eyes turned to me, their gazes filled with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. Beta Tony's face reddened, his own anger flaring in response to my accusation. "I did not betray Alpha Derick. I only want what's best for the pack, for our future," he retorted, his voice laced with defensiveness. I took a step forward, my grip on Aidan tightening. "Best for the pack? Derick's wishes should be respected, and he made it clear that he wanted Aidan to inherit the throne when he came of age. I will not allow you or anyone else to undermine his legacy." The tension in the room thickened as the other gammas exchanged uncertain glances. Lord Luciano, Derick's father, stood up, his voice filled with sorrow. "Victoria, I understand your grief and anger, but we must consider the stability and welfare of the pack. Beta Tony's suggestion is not without merit." I turned my attention to Lord Luciano, my eyes narrowing. "You, too? I thought you would honor Derick's wishes, support our son's rightful claim. How can you stand there and suggest anything different?" Lord Luciano's expression softened, and he took a step closer to me. "Victoria, I loved my son dearly, and his loss pains me every day. But we cannot let our emotions cloud our judgment. Aidan is still a child, and the responsibilities of leading the pack are immense. We need someone capable to guide us during this difficult time." His words stung like a slap to the face. I felt betrayed by those who were supposed to stand by me, by Derick's side. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. With a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and looked around the room. "I will not allow anyone to usurp my son's rightful place as the Alpha of this pack," I declared, my voice resolute. "I will protect his birthright with every ounce of strength in me. Aidan will be trained, groomed, and prepared for his future as the Alpha. And until he comes of age, I will serve as the interim Alpha, ensuring that his rightful place is secure." I said and turned to Beta Tony. "This man here won't give up the throne to my son once he is of age," I said and saw Beta Tony's eyes filled with anger. "Are you trying to accuse me of not being loyal to the late Alpha Derick and this pack?" He asked as he took his steps forward to me, his anger-burning gaze holding mine. "You know very well what I'm accusing you of," I replied, my voice steady despite the emotions burning within me. "Your suggestion to take the throne for yourself is a betrayal to Alpha Derick's memory and a disregard for his wishes. You were his Beta, his second in command. How can you entertain the idea of assuming his throne a mere two weeks after his demise?” Beta Tony's face flushed with anger as he clenched his fists. “I am only thinking about what's best for the pack,” he spat, his voice laced with anger. “You may be his mate, but you don't understand the weight of leadership. Aidan is just a child. He cannot bear the burden of ruling yet.” I scoffed and shook my head as I stared at him with hate. I know what his plans are. Firstly, he killed Derick, and the next plan was to be the Alpha in the pretense of being the caretaker of the throne, and the next was to kill Aidan and fully take the throne. I knew this was his plan, but I won't let him achieve it. “Aidan will be trained and guided, just as Alpha Derick would have wanted," I declared, my voice unwavering. "He may be young, but he carries the blood of a leader. I will not allow you to belittle his potential or undermine his rightful place. This pack deserves a true Alpha, and Aidan will grow into that role." The room remained tense, the air heavy with conflicting emotions. Some gammas watched our exchange with uncertainty, torn between loyalty to Alpha Derick's legacy and the practicality of Beta Tony's proposal. Others kept their gazes lowered, avoiding the confrontation altogether. Lord Luciano stepped forward once again, his expression a mix of sorrow and contemplation. "Luna Victoria, Beta Tony," he began, his voice gentle yet commanding. "This is a difficult time for all of us. We have lost a great leader, and the future of our pack hangs in the balance. Let us not forget that unity and loyalty are our greatest strengths." I scoffed and shook my head, he is so naive that he can't see the scheme of Beta Tony like I do. "Victoria, I know your love for Derick was unwavering, and I know you want what's best for our pack. But consider the weight of your son's responsibilities. It is a heavy burden for someone so young…" "My son won't sit on the throne, rather I will be the one making decisions until he comes of age," I declared, but Beta Tony cut in. "Never! You are a woman, what do you know about ruling a pack?" he muttered, causing me to grit my teeth with anger as I held my abilities from exploding. "We are not afraid of your abilities, Victoria. You may have some powers, but that does not grant you the right to make decisions for the pack. The gammas have a significant say in this matter, and they will decide what is best," he said, causing my anger to fume, but I held myself and sucked a deep breath before speaking. "My abilities may not give me the right to have a say, but they certainly don't diminish it either. I have proven myself time and again, fighting alongside Alpha Derick and protecting this pack. My role as his mate and the mother of his child gives me a voice, whether you like it or not," I yelled. Gamma Edmund, the most senior among them, finally spoke up. "Beta Tony, you should remember that Victoria is our Luna, and the way and manner you speak to her is wrong. Let us not forget our principles." I sucked a deep breath to compose myself, waiting for Gamma Edmund to finish his words. “We, the gammas, think this decision is beyond us, so we are taking this matter to the council of Alphas. They will be the ones to make a decision," he said, causing a nervous gulp to pass down my throat. This was bad, really bad.
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