Chapter 9

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Leo POV “What?! Are you crazy? No-one can make that jump!” I argue with gorilla at the edge of the cliff “Jump junior” he commands again “Fine, but if I die you’re explaining it to my parents” I huff walking back to the starting point. I take a few deep breaths before sprinting away. Just as I reach the edge my rational side takes over making my steps falter and I fall. Screaming and trying to grab onto anything on my way down as the wind rushes past my ears. I hit the ground, but it’s cold and wet, wait I’m in water. I kick my way to the surface, gasping as I break the surface. Atrides’s booming laughter echoes off the cliff face and I look up “Again junior!” he yells. Ah no f**k this, I hate this. “Before I die of boredom junior!” he yells “Oh would you do me the favor?!” I yell back swimming to the edge, pushing myself out of the water “Nah, I enjoy making your life hell” he yells back and I groan “Okay, so zap me up there or something!” I command but he just laughs again “You can climb” he yells making me growl. Goddammit! How is this supposed to help me, I’ve been training with this muttonhead for weeks. All I have is extreme exhaustion, bruises Ryker refuses to heal and I’m constantly hungry. I scale the rock face, careful not to fall. I finally reach the top, out of breath, my muscles aching I pull myself over the edge falling on my back “Get up junior” he says standing over me. The sun beating down on us, my body aching I open one eye squinting at him “Better stop calling me junior old man” I say sitting up “Old man?” he asks frowning as I turn to face him, slowly lifting my tired body off the ground “You heard me” my reply arrogantly “Hhmm, fine. Let’s see about that. Come” he commands walking to the starting point “You make the jump I’ll give you a day off” he says taking off his helmet. Wow he doesn’t look that old actually, his strong facial features and olive skin compliments his dark blue hair and light brown eyes. “Fine” I say reading myself. He gets in position “If you don’t we double up training” he says “Bring it on” I say nodding ahead “Go!” he yells and we sprint away. For a guy that’s built like a gorilla he runs exceptionally fast. He’s one step ahead of me, he launches himself off the edge of the cliff and so do I, with everything I have. We fly through the air, I glance down and realize I might not make the jump after all. He lands gracefully on the other side with a loud THUD, I on the other hand look like a bird learning to fly. Arms and legs flailing around, begging gravity to let up just a bit. The ground disappears and the edge of the cliff comes into view, but just as I think I’m about to plummet back into the lake I stop falling. I look up and low and behold I caught hold of the edge. I pull myself up, look back at the massive gap I just jumped over and I feel proud of myself. “Well done, see you in two days” he says and disappears in a cloud of fog. “Ah come on!” I yell realizing that I either have to make the jump again or walk all the way around. Dammit! I opt on walking, I won’t make that jump again, I’m way too tired. A few hours later I finally reach the barracks, grab my PJ’s and take a well-deserved shower. I don’t even bother getting under the covers, my body and mind needs sleep.   Violet POV “Thank you doctor, I really appreciate everything” I say smiling as the doctor leaves my brother’s room closing the door. He looks pale, wires and pipes are connected all over his body. Dressing and bandages cover his torso. “God Killy I’m so sorry. This is a complete mess” I say taking his limp hand in mine. I sit there waiting for news on Dean, he’s been in surgery a long time. I hate hospitals, but alas here I am. My arm is in a sling, since I dislocated my shoulder at some point and six stitches on the side of my head where she hit me. Oh god her face, that angry face. The hatred she hid so well for years. “Violet” a soft voice speaks from the doorway and I look up into his tired eyes “Hey Duncan. You all stitched up?” I ask standing walking over to him “Yeah, how’s he doing?” he asks nodding at my brother “They placed him under sedation for now, but the doctor says he’s hopeful that he’ll recover well. Did you hear anything about Dean?” I ask blinking back the tears “He’s out of surgery now, but they say the next few days will be critical. It’s up to him now” he says quietly “So you got him?” I ask and he hums in response “Yup, got the bastard” he says and I nod “Good. You should get some sleep, I’ll be here” I say with a weak smile giving him a side hug “Okay, see you tomorrow” he says and turns to the door “Duncan” I say and he turns around “Thanks for everything” I say and he nods smiling “No problem, good night miss Violet” he says and leaves. I sit down next to my brother again and eventually the exhaustion takes over. My sleep is plagued with nightmares; Dean’s bloodied body, the face of the spirit and Lara. *1 week later* “Killian” I gently shake his shoulder, but nothing happens “Killy” I say again a bit louder “Killian wake up” I say again shaking him lightly, then he stirs. His eyes slowly fluttering open “Hey bro, welcome back” I whisper running my fingers through his hair “Vi?” he rasps out and the nurse steps closer with the cup of water. Slowly she helps him drink a few sips “Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay” I coo holding his hand “Where am I?” he asks groggily “In hospital Mr Kendrick” the doctor speaks up and steps closer. I step away but he grips my hand “Tell me can you feel this?” the doctor asks pinching one of Killian’s toes and he nods. I breathe out a sigh of relief “Good man. Take it slow at first, we’ll come back later” the doctor says and they exit the room leaving us alone “Vi, where’s Lara?” he asks and my face pales. Oh god he doesn’t remember, how do I tell him he shot her defending me? I take a deep breath “What’s the last thing you remember?” I ask sitting down still holding his hand “We were driving to mom and dad’s; she was going on about the renovations” he says and then his eyes light up “Were we in an accident?” he asks sounding alarmed, but I shake my head “No, nothing like that” I say and he relaxes again “Killy, where are the kids?” I ask “They’re with Lara’s mom. Wait what day is it?” he asks. He remembers that at least “Tuesday” I say and he nods “We will have to pick them up tomorrow” he says closing his eyes “Killy, I uhm need to tell you something” I say quietly “Uh-huh?” he answers “You came here more than a week ago” I blurt out and his eyes shoot open “What?! Is Lara with the kids?” he asks frantically, my heart breaks “No” I say wiping at my tears “Vi, what happened?” he asks straining to sit up “I uhm… this uh… let me get you something to eat okay?” I say standing up quickly and leaving out the door. I close the door behind me, drowning out his calls for me. I bend over placing my head in my hands. Oh crap this is horrible, Dean is still in ICU, my brother doesn’t remember and I’m here, alone. “Miss Kendrick?” a soft voice speaks next to me “Yes” I say looking up. A middle-aged woman with dark skin looks back at me with kind eyes “I’m Doctor Sheila Moore, I’m a psychologist here. Can I talk with you for a moment?” she asks in a soft and caring voice “Yeah okay” I say and she smiles “Good, would you like a cup of coffee?” she asks and I nod “Sounds good” I say and we make our way to the cafeteria. Not the best latte I’ve had lately but it helps “Miss Kendrick, I want to offer my services to you and your family. Trauma affects everyone differently, so I would like to help you” she says gently squeezing my hand “I uh, this is for the best I guess” looking at my coffee “May I call you Violet?” she asks and I nod “Violet, are you sleeping well?” she asks but I just shake my head “Has your brother woken up yet?” she asks and I nod “Is he responsive?” she asks and I nod, the tears stinging my eyes “Yeah he uhm, he keeps asking me where his wife is” I answer my voice unsure “Did you answer him?” she asks and I look up with tear-filled eyes “How could I? He killed her to save me” I say and break down, finally letting out the pain I’ve been keeping inside for days “Oh my dear, I’m glad you didn’t. Leave that to the professionals okay?” she says handing me her napkin “Thanks” I say giving her a sad smile. We sit there and chat for a while, exchange details and she leaves. She is joined by a police officer before disappearing through the door of my brother’s room. I have to wait outside, since they need his statement, if he’s able to give one. Then I hear his painful cry and my heart breaks again. I need air. I run outside, tears streaming down my face. This feels like a terrible dream, maybe I’ll wake up and everything will be back to normal. I close my eyes, imagining times passed. My brother and I playing in the pool. Mom and dad telling us bedtime stories, mom and I chatting at the kitchen island. Dad’s corny jokes, which were really bad but always made me giggle. “Hey goose, what do you call an alligator detective?” he asked, I groaned “No dad please” I begged, “An investi-Gator” he said laughing. I giggle at the memory, I miss his laugh, his hugs and his soothing voice. I miss her warm hugs and kind eyes, her advice. I sob clutching my chest. Oh guys I need you, what should I do? Give me something please. I sobbed harder sinking to my knees. A pair of arms wrapped around me, I don’t know who it was I just leaned into the embrace crying my heart out “That’s it hon, let it out” the soft female voice spoke “It hurts so much” I sobbed out and she strokes my hair soothingly “I know hon, I know” she says holding me tighter. After a while I sit up and look at the angel comforting me, wiping my face my eyes go wide. Oh god she’s beautiful. Her dark brown curls highlighted with golden streaks going down passed her shoulders. Her hazel eyes are kind glistening in the afternoon sun, making her honey colored skin have a soft glow to it. Her soft smile is accentuated by her high cheekbones. “Sorry, I uhm, just having a bad day” I mumble sitting back but then I look up into Duncan’s smiling face “Hey Vi” he says in his deep voice “You feeling better now?” the woman asks and I nod “Yeah, thanks” I say giving her a sad smile. She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear “Well, aren’t you just as pretty as a peach” she says with a huge smile “Thank you, you’re very beautiful too” I say smiling a bit more sincerely “Oh bless your heart. Now com’ on darlin’ let’s get you cleaned up” she says standing holding out her hand to me. I take her hand standing and we make our way to the restroom. I wash my face, touch up my make-up and we meet Duncan in the cafeteria “I’m Violet by the way” I say extending my hand, she pushes my hand aside wrapping me up in a warm hug “Jess, nice to meet you” she says cheerfully “What are you doing here?” I ask Duncan “Well, Jess insisted we come and make sure you’re alright” he says hugging her to him “No one person should be doing this alone, so here we are” she says and I smile at them gratefully “Thank you so much. I uh, you know, need this” I say shyly “Oh hon, this is the least we could do. Now when last did you have a good night’s rest?” she asks and I frown “I’m not sure actually. It’s been a little hectic around here” I say laughing nervously “So come on, where are you stayin’?” she ask guiding me to the door “Well I’ve uhm been here mostly” I say and she shakes her head “Oh no, that won’t do. Come on sugar, let’s get this little lady to bed” she says sweetly “Oh no I’m fine really” I protest but she clicks her tongue “Honey you look as limber as a dishrag” she says and I frown “Didn’t know I looked that bad” I said as she keeps walking me to the car “But Killian, he-“ I protest reaching the car “He’ll be fine, we’ll come back later” Duncan says opening the door for me. I pause looking over at my car “I need to get my bag” I say taking out the key “I’ll grab it for you” Duncan says taking the keys from me jogging over to my car. I get in the backseat making myself comfortable “Here we go, ready ladies?” he asks getting in “Yup” she chants happily and we’re off. When we walk inside the cottage I feel a tinge of sadness. This is last place Dean was happy, and me too. I think trudging up the stairs toward the guest room. The sheets have been changed, but the room still has the same feel to it. Homey, it feels just like home “Rest now hon, we’ll wake ya before dinner” Jess says before closing the door behind her. I take out the prescription pills, and glance at the container. Sleeping pills, I’ve never needed them but maybe I should take one. I quickly swallow it, lie down and in an instant I fall asleep. Dark, dreamless sleep.
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