Chapter 18

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Violet POV“Thank you John, that means so much to me. But I expect the same from you” I say and he nods, satisfied that we’ve reached a new level of our friendship “Good, now you need to get home, it’s getting late” he says and we turn and walk to my car. As always he opens the door for me, kiss my hand and I drive off waving at him. Thank you whoever sent him to me, I really needed him. The next morning I phone the contractor I always use, arrange for them to start the next day on the pool house. I sit with the design of the pool house for too long, his color scheme is a bit tricky but eventually get the place sorted out. I close my laptop and my phone rings, Duncan “Hey Duncan” “Hey Vi” “Sup?” “Well got the stuff sorted out for John, I’ll get the cash from you when we visit” “Oh that was quick, is everything in order?” “Iron clad, I’m picking up his stuff tomorrow” “Duncan I don’t know how to repay you for all this” “Why would you do that? We’re friends right?” “Yeah we’re friends. But listen John can’t know about this. No one can okay?” “My lips are sealed” “Good, how is my best friend doing?” “She’s at work, busy as always” “Yup, aren’t we all. Oh that reminds me, you’ll meet John when you visit” “That sounds great” “Yeah he’s moving in next week” “Violet no this is a bad idea” “Oh hush, he’s harmless” “Are you sure? I mean what if he was a killer in real life?” “This is real life and he’s not a killer, he’s kind and gentle. He’s a good man” “You said the same about Dean” he says and my heartaches at his name “Dean is a good man, he just has issues he needs to deal with” “Yeah, no s**t. I’m going to kick his ass when I see him” “No Duncan, don’t let this ruin your friendship please” “Vi, what he did to you after everything you’ve done for him was a dickhead move” “Yes it was, but he had his reasons” “Which was?” “I don’t know, I wish I did” I say and my voice breaks “Ah crap darlin’ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you” “No it’s fine. I’ll be okay” “Dammit now I feel bad. Are you okay?” “Yes DAD, I’ll be okay” “Haha funny, okay well I have to go. Be safe please” “I will, you too, love to Jess” “I will, bye” “Bye” I end the call and like all the other times I think of Dean I just cry. I can’t get over him, it’s like he haunts me. I hate it, I just want to forget him, actually I want to forget everything.   Hades POV “Deep breaths my love, deep breaths” I soothe Abby standing next to her in the hospital. She gives one last push and seconds later I hear my daughters little cry. They quickly do everything required and then they hand her to me. “Oh dear Abby darling she’s beautiful” I coo glancing at my beautiful wife. She’s covered in sweat, breathing hard, her hair is a mess but I’ve only seen her looking this radiant once before and that was with the birth of Xavier. I lean down and kiss her “Thank you my love, she’s perfect” I whisper placing our baby girl in her arms “Hey Megan, you are perfect. Oh look my love she has your eyes” she says and I smile “Her mother’s good looks and her father’s wit, oh she’ll be a little rascal” I say with a playful smile “Let’s hope your uncle Leo doesn’t teach you his tricks then” she says and I sigh. It’s been almost 5 months now and still no sign of him. I tried every resource I could think of, but we can’t find him. Cayden is putting up a brave face, but being who I am I can see his regret. He blames himself, their vacation was a success, I helped him delegate his duties and now their realm has balance. I feel guilty too about Leo, at first I thought we might have pushed him too hard. Our discipline tactics are quite stringent, but Atrides assured me that he was doing phenomenally well with the training, so I left it at that. I just don’t understand where he could be. Cayden sent word out all over the world, the supernatural world knows their prince, he can’t hide easily. “Hades” Abby’s voice breaks my train of thought and I smile down at her again “Yes my love?” “I said you shouldn’t worry so much. My parents, Athena and the Fates said this is his path. Like Cayden he must do what he must to find his way” she says and by the gods I love her more for it. She’s always so level-headed and calm “Yes my love” “Oh fine, fetch the others, would you?” she asks and I nod. I walk out of the room and call for the family, while they clean up Abby and the sheets. Messy business a birth isn’t it? “How is she?” Isa asks and I smile “They’re both doing well mother, you can go in now” I say, she cups my face smiling and they file into the room. They fuss over the baby, Xavier wants to bite his cousins when they get near his sister, strange child, and I just stand there watching them. So beautiful, the love of family “Hades” Cayden speaks and I turn around “Little brother, you look well” “Yes thanks, congratulations she’s beautiful” he says shaking my hand “Thank you, something on your mind?” “Except my missing brother, no not much” he says “Yes well, seems the tables have turned. He’s alive, we know that” I say and he nods “But is he alright? I had survival skills and fighting skills. He has-“ I cut him off “The same. He trained well with us, you underestimate our young brother. He might not be as forward thinking as you, but he’s young. We had our adventures, now we have families. Let him have his” I say and he nods “It just hurts, I miss him” he says and I pat his shoulder “Yes, like they all missed you all those years ago. We do what we can with what we have brother, let him learn” I say and he nods again “I guess you’re right, now get over there and stop the masses before they suck the life out of my sister” he jokes and I smile walking over to them “Alright, we need some rest. We’ll see you all tomorrow” I say and they leave one by one, Isa and Clarise leave reluctantly but soon we’re alone again. When I look at Abby she’s crying “Oh no my love what’s wrong?” “It’s just, I miss Leo. I was there when he was born, he was a pain in the ass but he was there when every single niece or nephew were born. He loves them so much, and they love him. I was so nasty to him the last time I saw him, angry that he just wouldn’t grow up. But now, I miss him. He gives the best hugs, and always made us laugh” she sniffles “When Cayden went missing, Leo in his own way made sure we were all fine you know? He sat with mom for hours as she cried, just holding her. He never complained, he never cried or showed any sign of resentment, he was just there” she says and starts sobbing. I gently place Megan in her crib and take my wife in my arms, holding her tightly to me “I wish I could give you answers my angel, I wish I could take your pain upon me so that you can smile” I whisper into her hair “He pulled pranks, lots of them, but he never ever hurt anyone. He can’t hurt anyone; he doesn’t have it in him. Oh Hades, what if he dies and I never get to say I’m sorry?” she sobs out. I rub her back soothingly “No he won’t, you all underestimate him. He’s smart, cunning and has a strong will. He’ll be back, we won’t stop looking my love” I soothe her as she cries. I feel her pain and it’s intense, almost as bad when my sister was killed, but he’s alive. I check with the Fates almost daily ensuring he’s still alive. “My brothers are shitheads” she says and I chuckle “They are, but they’re your brotherly shitheads” she giggles and sits up taking my handkerchief wiping her face “And my husband is a clown” she says and I laugh “Anything for you my love” I say and lay down next so her, she snuggles up against me and I for the first time in centuries fall asleep in my suit.   Isa POV I walk around in the castle, aimlessly just walking. I can’t sleep, I haven’t been able to sleep well since he went missing. For crying in a bucket, two sons going missing in one lifetime, am I a bad mother? Cayden ran away because of what happened to me, well and Zia, he disappeared for a whole century, I won’t survive another one with Leo gone, my heart can’t take it. Before I know it I’m standing outside the door of the cottage. So many memories, my first memories of this place are here. Now it’s all I have left of Leo, my darling little monster. I open the door and walk inside switching on the lights. It smells like him. I walk to his room, and like I did all those years ago when Cayden went missing I take one of his pillows, sit on his bed and let my heart break for the umpteenth time. I cry until it feels as if my throat is on fire and my tears have dried up, Belmont rushes into the room just wrapping me up in his embrace “Oh amore” he says hugging me to him “Why mi todo? Why did this happen again?” I whisper “I don’t know amore, I wish I knew” he says. Between the two of us the pain is almost unbearable. “Did I fail as a mother?” I say through my fresh tears “No mama” I glance up and there’s Cayden, this feels like déjà vu, only the roles were reversed last time and Leo didn’t speak, he just sat there holding me. Oh god Leo “Mama, what happened with me is different than with him” he says holding my hand “He’s gone just like you were” I sob out and I see the tears pool in his emerald green eyes “We won’t stop looking, I promise” he says again and again. Soon Amala rushes into the room as well and we all sit there, crying silently for my son. The problem is this time they can’t feel him, Belmont could feel Cayden sometimes, but with Leo it’s like he’s dead. “Please don’t be dead” I plead “He’s not dead, he’s smart he’ll be fine” Cayden tries to reassure me “He is very smart mama, don’t think like that” Amala also says and I nod “Both of them are smart, but both of them have this tendency to try and make their mother’s heart give out” I say and they chuckle “Not intentionally mom” Cayden says and then I hear a groggy voice “Why are you all crying in Uncle Leo’s room?” Kit asks rubbing his eyes “Oh baby why are you up so late?” Amala asks walking over to him “I had a bad dream, and I looked for you so I followed you here. Why are you crying nana?” he asks stepping in front of me. He is becoming a dashing young man “Oh it’s nothing honey, grandma just misses your Uncle Leo” I say, they don’t know he’s missing and we don’t know how long we will be able to hide it from them, especially Kit. He idolizes Leo “He’ll be back nana, he is on a secret mission. But we’re not allowed to tell anyone” he whispers and I giggle “Oh okay, my lips are sealed my love” I whisper back and he nods approvingly. He opens my arms, climb onto my lap and rests his head on my shoulder “When I’m big I want to be like you nana” he says and Belmont gasps “What about being like me? Strong and courageous and a king?” he says making Kit laugh “Nah, nana is scarier and she’s an assassin” he says and I stifle a laugh “Hmpf, anyone can be an assassin, only certain people can be king” he says and Kit looks up at me, his eyes full of wonder “Yeah, but she is the only woman who completed the warrior trials” he says and Cayden chokes out a laugh, Amala hides her smiling face behind her hair and Belmont’s eyes flash gold and blue. He crouches down and I know what he’s doing “Oh no, Kit run my darling, I’ll hold him off” I say jokingly and Kit jumps up giggling “Come here little one” Koa’s voice hisses and Kit bolts out the door screeching with laughter as his grandpa chases him out the door, I time my jump and leap out the window in time to tackle Belmont to the ground “Yeah nana! You are cooler than ice!” he cheers as Belmont mock struggles to get out of my grip “Pin him nana!” he urges and I do. The next moment he shifts under me and Duke yaps at Kit before swiftly pinning me under him, licking my face “Duke!” I laugh “Duke stop!” I laugh harder and the next thing we know a small brown and dark red wolf jumps on his back, furiously biting his neck. Duke rolls off me, whining as the little wolf ‘attacks’ him, soon Nima and Nessa join the fun. They run around chasing each other, yapping and then Raza, Kit’s Lycan jumps me from behind. I quickly duck and roll away spinning around “Oh you are sneaky Raza, let’s see what you got little pup” I challenge him, he starts circling me, his ears turning, listening for every sound around us. Good boy. He lowers his upper body and pounces, but I dodge him “Almost, try again” I say and he steps back, his eyes dart around while looking at me. Oh, he’s going to be a great fighter. He manages to catch me off guard, biting into my hand and I hiss “Kit no!” Amala yells but I laugh, wiping the blood and spit off “No it’s fine dear. Raising 2 Lycan’s and 2 werewolves you learn it comes with the territory” “Yes mom, but he’s not allowed to bite” she says and Raza cowers “I understand. Shift” I command and he shifts back looking at my hand “Sorry nana” he says in a soft voice, I crouch down and hug him “No worries Kit” I say but link him, placing my forehead against his “We’ll practice when you visit us okay? We’ll make a strong warrior out of you yet” I say and his eyes light up “You are the coolest nana ever” he links me back and I smile. He yawns and Belmont picks him up “Come on pup, time for bed” he says and Kit lays his head on his shoulder. “Grandpa, tell me about when dad fought Adrik” he says as they walk away and I smile. He’s so much like Cayden, but strangely he relates to Leo better. “Mama, you can teach my kids whatever you like, but they will not bite” Amala suddenly says and I chuckle “Using their teeth is part of the training” I say and she nods “I know, they all have to train to take over, should Kit abdicate, but I feel as if oh I don’t know” she sighs as we walk back to the castle “What’s wrong dear?” I ask and she smiles “Oh nothing, you have enough on your plate” she says and I stop her “No, tell me” I say and she turns to me “I’m scared, for Leo and for my kids. When Kit finds out he’s going to be heartbroken” she says and I nod “Being scared for your kids never goes away, it’s what a mother does. Especially when they’re grown up. They have free will, money and much more resources to cause irreparable damage to themselves or others, not to mention the endless number of ‘great’ ideas they have” I say and she giggles “I have three and I feel as if I’m losing control. How do you do it with 8?” she asks and I laugh “Well, mine were a few years apart, when you have so many, they tend to raise each other. After Leo I thought I was done, I loved my kids and we had balance, but then we went to the orphanage and you know the rest. Each of them has their special traits, mannerisms and each bring a different type of joy to me. I never thought I’d have such a big family, but I love every second of it. As for feeling out of control, it will happen at times, but don’t worry dear you have everything under control” I say and she smiles again “Thanks mama” she says and starts ascending the stairs but stops “I’m sorry about Leo” she says but I wave her off “It’s not your fault my dear” I say but she lowers her head “It is, I told Cayden to send him away. I was so angry, and scared that Kit was spending too much time with Leo. But now I… I know Leo is a kind man, and regardless of his trickster ways he’s dependable. I’m so sorry mama” she says, and I stand there not knowing whether to be angry or to feel sorry for her. Leo has always been a handful, he’s always been laid back and always up for a dare, but she’s right he is dependable. I sigh rubbing my temples “It’s fine dear, now get to bed” I say with a half-smile “Good night mom” she says softly and leaves without another word. It’s almost 1am, maybe I should at least try and get some sleep.
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