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-Kaionte… It´s been a while since I´ve heard that name – Ussiariah said as his sole greeting, calmly pacing inside the cell and taking a seat before the olive-skinned boy. -Well, it´s not a common name around here, Commander, is it?– The youngster bitterly replied, staring at him with contemptuous eyes. -Maybe not, but it sure is kind of infamous – The warrior responded, nodding purposefully at him with a wink – And you have inherited your father´s factious nature, I can see. -My father was just trying to keep us safe, that´s all – Kaionte defiantly spoke – He never intended to cause any real trouble. -Oh, but you did, didn´t you? – Ussi deduced, giving him a wolfish grin – You didn´t care about your group´s cause that much either, you were just deliberately trying to raise as much havoc as you possibly could before you got caught… Am I wrong? -What makes you think that I am going to tell you a single thing? – The boy scoffed – If you already know who my father was, then you should also know that he was not a rat. -That depends on what your definition of rat is – The Commander shrugged off – He betrayed the trust that we had placed upon him. So, he is a giant one to me. -You´re such a hypocrite! – Kai hissed at him – You dare to blame my father for that breach, but you were the one keeping those deadly instruments around in the first place, not him! -Ah… So, that is why you stole my son´s rifle then, uh? – Ussiariah pointed out, tilting his head at him amusedly with squinted eyes – You disagree with the way that we have been handling the gun situation so far, and you think that you know better. -Well, at least I´m not so delusional to think that Queen Eleande´s was an isolated case - The boy angrily murmured – There are plenty of other people that want to get their hands on those weapons, and it was just a matter of time till someone did. -And you figured, what the heck! Why not just us? So, you stole that gun and attacked the warehouse to prove a point – The Commander inferred, shaking his head scoldingly – It was a reckless move, and you got a lot of your own people killed. -You don´t get to judge me for my actions! – Kai spat out – Who died and made you boss? Why is it that you get to decide who wields those stupid guns anyway? He paused, taking a deep breath and glaring at him with a mix of pain and utter hatred. - Don´t you get it? I did it because I despise you, Commander! You ruined my life before I was even born! -I understand why you might feel that way – The warrior admitted with genuine sorrow – But believe it or not, I had nothing to do with your parents´ demise. They both made their choices, and they forced my people to make their own in response. -Ugh! Why would I expect you to say anything remotely different? – The young man sneered, staring at the ceiling in evident annoyance - Elhyna was right… You are as evil as they all are, you were spawned from the same vile race that massacred our land! -So, that is her reason then – Ussiariah resolutely sighed – You are both bound by resentment and hate. That is the essence of your so-called cause. -You will never understand the kind of relationship Elhyna and I have – Kai defensively snorted, condescendingly huffing at him while he fidgeted with his restraints – So, quit pretending you do. Now, where is she? What have you monsters done to her? -Oh, don´t worry, she´s fine – The warrior reassured him, dismissively waving his hand – I have no interest in hurting any of you... yet. She´s just having a little chat. Souna stood solemnly before the large monument that marked the place where their people have rested for the past sixteen years. The large memorial stone that resembled a gigantic fist had been erected more than a decade ago and it was supposed to symbolize the strength and unity of their land… But nowadays, Souna had been doubting that such a thing had ever been more than a beautiful utopia. A lie that they told themselves to feel less weak. -My husband is buried down there, you know? – She murmured, staring blankly ahead as she felt the feminine presence being hauled beside her by a guard – Along with your family and everyone else. -Your husband? – The woman boldly replied, struggling with her handcuffed wrists and the bandage covering her right hand – Your husband is one of them, Your Grace! You married the personification of the demons that did this to us! - No, I didn´t, Elhyna… I married the progeny of the heroes that saved us from them once before and got themselves killed by our own in return! – The monarch severely replied, shaking her head with contained anger – I married the man that freed us from them once more! -How can you not loathe the sight of him? – Elhyna exclaimed, scrunching her nose – Why aren´t you terrified in the very least? -I was once, if I´m honest – Souna confessed – When I first saw him, I was petrified. But then I got to know him, and I quickly realized that there was nothing about him besides the color of his skin that resembled the people that did this to me. -So, that´s why you brought me here? – The rebel sneered at her – To tell me that nor do the ones we tried to kill yesterday? Save your breath then, I´m not buying it. -Listen – She began saying, placing a tentative hand on her shoulder - No matter how much they remind you of them, and how hard you want someone to pay for your suffering, those aren´t the monsters that killed your family, and they will never be. -Why are you so sure? – The woman muttered, shaking Souna´s palm violently off her and taking a little step aside. -Because they are all dead, trust me… I made sure of that myself – Souna shrugged off, staring away from her. -Well… I hate to break it to you, Your Majesty, but I think you missed a few– Elhyna snickered, letting out a loud huff. -The ones we saved were spared for a good reason – Souna calmly explained – And it was not for free either. You wouldn´t know, but they’ve all had to prove their loyalty continuously and in many ways throughout the years. -What good reason? – The woman cried out in disbelief – You forgave them only because they surrendered! How does that magically erase all the evil they did? - Elhyna, I´m going to say this once more and I hope you hear it loud and clear – The ruler sighed, softly massaging the bridge of her nose - I know that you´re hurting, but these aren´t the culprits you seek. -How do you know? You weren´t even there! – The rebel yelled exasperatedly – How can you tell? -You´re right – Souna agreed, raising a hand and waving two fingers back and forth – I wasn´t, but he was. -Your Highness – An old, blond man saluted as he materialized seemingly out of thin air next to them – You called... -This is Jakul – The Queen introduced him, pointing at the sturdy elder – He was Njál ´s second in command when the Argantean troops attacked our land. Jakul, would you please tell Elhyna a little about the unit you sent to Raghtaer Cove? -Ma´am – The former warrior tilted his head politely at the woman – I picked those men specifically because they were not useful for me in battle, and I could go without them… They hadn´t seen combat yet and they weren´t even raiders, like the rest. They had enrolled because of the promise of a better life and a decent pay. -So, you are telling me that they are all honest and pure now? – Elhyna spat out with incredulity– And that they have done nothing wrong in their entire lives? -No, I am sure that there must be plenty of assholes among them – Jakul grinned at her – And they are far from being innocent… All I´m saying is that it is highly unlikely that this group in particular had taken part in the war crimes that you are accusing them of, being that they were a bunch of greenhorns. -It doesn´t matter! I´m not trusting your filthy word for it! Don´t you see? You are the lowest scum of them all! – The woman shouted, giving Souna a defiant stare – So, you better go ahead and kill me already, My Queen, because I am starting to get bored. -Oh, I haven´t got any intention of making a martyr out of you – The monarch amusedly announced, waving her hand at the guards, who hurried to grab the girl by the arms again– Believe me when I say that we have better things in mind. Souna had just walked a short distance away from the prisoner and the soldiers when Greghan swiftly intercepted her and bowed to her. -Your Majesty, the Xiblenean prince has returned – He informed her – They are taking him to the Commander to be questioned. I thought you should know. -Good – She nodded as she kept walking decidedly towards the palace – Where´s Yarinthza? -She has been in custody ever since we found out about the theft, just like you ordered – He obediently told her. -Well, what are you waiting for? Bring her! – Souna instructed him in a fake cheerful tone – Let´s make this a lovely family reunion between mother and son.
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