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~ Athena’s POV ~ I just can’t believe this. My voice. It’s back. I can finally convey what I am feeling, I can finally speak my mind, I can finally speak about the correct things and I can finally raise my voice if someone does wrong with me. This feeling is something which I seriously can’t express in mere words. In my last life, when I was tormented to death by wicked family members of mine, I had only one option at that time and that was to bear the hatred that they have for me in their hearts. Not a single word. Nothing came out of my mouth when they used to beat me up just for being useless and a freeloader in the packhouse. I did all the chores, I tried my best to make everyone happy, but in the end, I was the only person who was not happy. I have learnt my lesson. Now, I will not even try to win anyone’s love or affection, as getting hurt is the last thing that I want in this new life of mine. The pain that I have gone through all those years is something which I was not even able to tell anybody and nor was anyone able to see my pain. Who dislikes a free slave, right? Even a slave must be treated better than me. No, I will not stay mum about anything. My Uncle and my cousins killed all the people who were loyal to my parents. They thought that I was not aware of this, but Laura told me about their atrocious behaviour and how they ended everyone, but what exactly can I do? I am still a wolfless girl who can’t stand against those who are sitting in a higher position than me. Suddenly, the guy who was standing outside the car broke the chain of thoughts by walking a little closer to my father’s car. Wait! This guy just broke the window of the car. I glanced at him, but the moment my eyes fell on him, nothing came out of my mouth for a few seconds. He is tall, dressed in a fine royal blue suit and black shirt. He pulled back his unruly black hair while his azure eyes were gazing at me intensely. Handsome would be an understatement to describe this guy. He has a well-built body and a chiselled jaw. He looks quite young by his appearance, but his aura has dominance which is making me feel suffocated. “Don’t make him angry”, mumbled the girl while she shivered in fear. Huh? Is he forcing her to marry some old pervert? I need to put some sense in his head. I stepped out of the car while I moved my neck here and there, as because of this man, my body felt quite stiff. I still can’t believe that I drove the car myself and that, too, without anyone’s guidance. My father must be quite proud of me, right? Even before their death, they were just worried about me and what would I do without them? I failed them once, but I will not repeat the same mistake. The man was looking at me with an intense gaze. It was like he would completely devour me just by his gaze. He walked a little closer to me and I just gasped in shock as he was now standing only an inch apart from me. He tried to say something to me, but before he could have completed his words, I cut him in midsentence, “What the f**k is wrong with you? Do you have eyes only for decoration?” He was at a loss for words after hearing me. What exactly is his problem? Why is this man not saying anything? “You... you can’t scare me with that expression of yours. She doesn’t want to marry, so why exactly are you forcing this marriage on her? Everyone should have the basic right to decide their future, right?”, I told him everything which was inside my head, but he didn’t say a thing to me instead, he just smirked and a chill ran down my spine just by looking into those azure eyes of his. He then glanced at the girl and she just lowered her head with a defeated look on her face. Is she seriously giving up? “Why are... why are you looking at her? If you want to say anything, then say it to me. Just let that girl go”, I said to him while I tightly clenched my fists and it was getting quite sweaty. The guy just tucked the hair strand behind my ear while it was sticking to my face because of the sweat. “We will have a nice and intimate conversation when you stop shaking like a leaf, alright? I promise that we will meet soon, but for now, I must take my leave as I have some important matters that I will need to take care of”, he told me, and after whispering those words in my ear with his husky voice, I just clenched the fabric of my skirt. The girl stepped out of the car and after that, they both started to walk towards his car. No, I can’t let them leave this place in this way. I wouldn’t be able to face myself if something bad did happen to her. I can at least try to save her, but how? My eyes then fell on a wooden leg which was kept near a big old tree. I bit my nails before walking towards that tree as I was getting scared to do what I was planning inside my head. You have to do this thing for that girl, Athena. I lowered down a little to grab the log from the ground. It was kind of heavy to lift, but I will manage it somehow. I took a deep breath and after that, I dashed towards him with a wooden log in my hands. I just hit him hard on his head without even thinking for a second. My eyes were closed, but I did hear someone falling on the ground with a thud sound. “What have you done?”, the girl yelled in a loud voice and I just got confused because of her words. She was trying to escape him, wasn’t she? So, why exactly is she reacting in such a weird manner? She should be feeling happy, right? Is there something that I am missing here? I opened my eyes only to find that there was someone else lying on the ground and the guy who broke my window was standing at a distance while he was grabbing the girl with her right arm. I gulped down hard when I gazed into his eyes, as I could sense his anger rising just by looking at him. He is holding a calm composure even though he is surely pissed at me. Now, I understand the meaning of digging one’s own grave. I shouldn’t have messed with someone’s else business, but if I did nothing, then how would I be any different than my past self? “Are you alright, Alpha? You shouldn’t have run from your own bachelorette’s party, miss Ella. You are the Alpha’s sister and running away from your marriage will only create problems between the two packs. Didn’t you agree to marry the son of the Eclipse Pack, so why are you backing out now?”, asked the guy who was lying on the ground with his hands over his head. What! She is the sister of this insane guy and not only that, I messed up with a man who holds the position of the Alpha. Goddess, bless my soul! I immediately threw the wooden log on the ground. I remember the time when Ash and Enzo used to beat me with the wooden stick just to release their frustration. They even tried to serve me the Gamma and Beta of the pack, but I always hid inside the cupboard to save myself. I didn’t have anything. Powers, my wolf, my voice or even mere rights in that pack. All I had left was the virginity that I saved for that bastard. I feel so stupid to believe in his fake promises. I saved myself for someone who was not even worthy of me. All my life, I heard about having a mate, so I wished the moon goddess to make Ryan my chosen mate, but my words fell on deaf ears, as on my eighteenth birthday, I found that I didn't have a wolf and nor was Ryan my mate. He is a year older than me and he did tell me that I am not his mate, but I still didn’t lose the strand of hope. Well, I did blame the moon goddess at that time, but not anymore, as I am aware now that everything happens for a reason. “Aren’t you a brave one, little one? You seriously thought that you could hit me with that wooden log? You are seriously a funny one. So, how should I punish you for trying to harm me and helping my sister to escape her wedding?”, he asked me, and I just bit my lower lips in fear. I hate that word. Only my bad memory is attached to the punishment word. In a wolf’s pack, Alpha’s words are taken as an order and no one has the strength to stand against him. I even thought about leaving the pack at one point in my life, but Ryan did everything to change my mind. He told me that a wolfless girl like me couldn’t survive without anyone’s protection and I believed in him. Well, he was right for once. It is the rule of this world that only the fittest survives. The money which my parents left for me was taken away by those leeches and that made me solely dependent on them. “I agreed to marry that guy because mother forced me to say yes, brother. I don’t want to become a sacrificial lamb because of the pack. There are still so many dreams that I want to live, that I want to fulfil and that I want to achieve”, said Ella to her brother, and I kind of understand her pain. “If you did have such thoughts then you should have told me before, Ella. I can’t go back on my words just because you found the courage to speak. You are a promised bride and you will have to marry that guy for the prestige and honour of our pack. I will never let anyone destroy or put shame on the name of the Shadow Pack. Not even you, Ella” he told her in a clear voice, while his sister glanced at him with disbelief written all over her face. How can anyone put prestige and honour before their sister’s happiness? Why does she have to sacrifice her happiness for others? “You know there is a specific word for the likes of you. Cold-hearted jerk. Yeah, that’s what you are, Mr Alpha”, I told him exactly all the things which were going on inside my head. The man just smirked at me while he asked the other guy to hold Ella. He walked straight towards me and I just screamed inside my head. He took a deep breath and, suddenly, his azure eyes glowed and I quietly took a few steps away from him. Why can’t I shut my damn mouth? I am still powerless and I can’t believe that I successfully enraged the Alpha just by my mere words. Way to go, Athena. What should I say to calm his anger? While I was walking backwards, suddenly my back hit the trunk of the tree and the guy just caged me between his arms. He is surely going to kill me. Meanwhile, “I can’t believe that you seriously brought that mute girl with you, Fiona. The moon goddess is so unfair. You should be the only girl who should have received all the love and care of your Pack members, but that b***h snatched away all the things from you. Even your brothers seem to care for her”, said one of her friends, while Fiona was silently gulping her drink. When she heard the girl’s words, she just smiled at her and all the other girls only prayed for her inside their heads. Fiona gently clenched the glass while she remembered how well Athena was treated in the packhouse, even though her father was no longer the Alpha or even alive. She thought that Athena didn’t deserve anyone’s love or attention as all those things only belonged to her. “You know, I came here to freshen up my mood, but you ruined it. There are some things that you should not say even if you think that you are right. I will soon show Athena her real position, but before that, I need to remind you where you stand in front of me”. After saying those words to her, Fiona threw the glass of rum in her direction and the glass hit the girl’s forehead. She snapped her fingers and the guards who were standing outside the door of the club came forward and, after that, they forced that girl to bow down her head in front of Fiona. Fiona grabbed the girl’s head and she then pressed it against the counter of the bar. “I will always remain on the top and if someone tries to come between my plans then I will surely crush them down”, she warned the girl while she slammed her head again and again on the counter. Her hands were covered with blood, but her anger was still not calmed down. “Why are you in a bad mood, baby?”, Fiona heard a familiar voice and when she turned around, she saw a familiar figure standing in front of her. Fiona only gritted her teeth in anger when she remembered her so-called friend's words that everyone in the packhouse cares for Athena. The guy walked towards her and she just smiled while she glanced at him.
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