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Chapter nineteen :- Mere seconds Emarald's POV:- Dinner time came around quickly and everyone came downstairs in the dining room except for one. Brett's dad. "Emma, you should eat more food. It feels like I can't even see anything in your plate." Alana was a sweetheart, a little overbearing sometimes but a sweetheart nevertheless. She has been taking my side against all her son's remarks. "Stop mum, if she doesn't wanna eat then let it be." Joey said that and I glared at him after seeing Alana's hurt face. I smiled politely when she looked at me and shook my head in a 'don't worry' kind of way. I bent forward a little bit to reach the salt when Brett's hand came faster and took it first. What the hell?!! Just as the thought my face mirrored the same thing and he like always had the nerve to smirk. I gaped at his childishness and took it from his grasp, smirking victoriously. It wasn't that big of a deal, you're both so immature. Yeah, right conscience, I forgot you were here for a second. Dumb and dumber. I gaped internally and rolled my eyes when Brett put the back of his hand on my forehead. Seriously? I'm not mad!! Swatting his hand away I started to actually eat the different dishes served in front of me. Light conversations were going around the dinner table mostly about me like what kind of food I like, or where was my home before here the answer to this is Turkey and burger, Holland in Michigan to which I also got to know that Alana had a friend there too when suddenly a silence fell all around. You really make him sound like the most dangerous and heartless dad ever. Not the time brain, not the time. Mr. Hartwell entered the room and sat at the one centre/head chair while Alana was sitting at the other. Saying a quick 'sorry had a meeting' he started eating too. "So, Emarett you're a senior right?" First time, Mr. Hartwell took my name and that too wrong. How humiliating! I blushed. "It's Emarald." Brett corrected in a hard tone before I could say anything. What is his problem exactly? With his dad, I mean? "Yeah, whatever. You are a senior?" Giving an offhanded shrug he repeated his question. "Yes." Came my curt reply. "What do your parent's do?" I stiffened. Nobody had asked me that yet since when they died. "They died in a car crash." My voice was clipped and I don't even want to think of my face, it was stoic. I saw Phil coughing. "I'll get a glass of water." I stood up abruptly and walked as fast as I could to the kitchen. Hearing footsteps behind me I knew who it was so I leapt into his chest like my life depended upon it. His arms encircled me and I released the breath I was holding. I am so childish, he just asked me a normal question which I should have given a normal reply to and that's what normal people do because so many other normal people out there have more problems and shitty life than I do. I huff out loud. "You sure do use normal more than a swear word." I groaned. I said that out loud too. God, why am I so embarrassing? The way you are straggling him, that's why. Oh yeah, s**t. I again untangled my hands that were on his sides and I do say that a lot because well I have been hugging him a lot which is so awkward. God, ugh!! "Do we have to go inside?" I looked down at the floor. "We don't have to." Emphasising on the 'have' he pulled my chin up to inspect my reaction. I have him a blank 'What the hell do you think you're doing?' look and he shrugged. Forgot to tell, I confirmed the appointment for his shrugging problem. "Common then, let's go in there." I pulled at his hand to get him moving. He didn't move though, I looked over my shoulder at him and he smirked. "Water." "What?" I looked at him incredulously. "You came in here for water and I think we going in there together will make them think of me as your water." Again his British accent came up. God I love it. Well concentrate, that's not the topic right now but didn't get what he said at first but when I did, I did a double take and pounced at him. It was not a good idea because we fell, him on top of me. Ugh. "See you're making my theory more believable." I went red, more than red to be exact. I pushed against his chest to get his heavy ass off of me. I succeeded and got up ruffling his hair to make them more messy which I knew would drive him crazy. Jake does that a lot and he hates it, I'm such a good learner. "Do you want them to believe that?" He smirked and my eyes widened. "Oh s**t, I didn't think that." My mouth fell open. "It's okay, my family's very open." I grumbled and went to fix his hair. "Hey, don't touch my hair." "Fix it and then come out." With that I left the kitchen with a glass of water in my hand. Entering the dining room was not that much awkward till Jake decided it was good to scoff and say, "That much time for water, it must be pretty hot." Do they say anything except for double meaning? The other's laughed while I blushed. His chair was beside mine so I did kick him pretty violently. He yelped silently and I gave him a sickening sweet smile. Brett entered just then and winked my way. Dinner wrapped up without any questions and now it was time to go. "Come here anytime you want, Honey." Alana softly hugged me. "Yeah sure." I replied to her. "Night, guys!" I said to all of them and followed Brett to his car. "Isn't Jake coming with us?" I questioned when I was positioned in the car nicely. "Nah, he's got some work at his house so he'll go in another ten minutes." He reversed back from his garage which was filled with all kinds of cars. Literally. You name it, you got it. But I still adored his. "Oh." "You didn't tell me you lived in Holland." He broke the silence around us. "Well, you didn't ask." I shrugged, it wasn't a big deal anyway. "Fair enough. Your parent's house was also there?" "No, we used live in Battle Creek, also in Michigan." I looked sideways at him, he looked deep in thought for reasons unknown to me. "Where did you live before this?" I countered back. "Till I was five we used to live in Liverpool after that Manchester and since I turned 14, here." Even saying the name of the places makes his British come up and it's so sexy. I want a guy with a British accent. You have one. Shut up. "So you visit there often?" Curiosity is deep in my bones. "You asking these because of how much British you can hear in me right now, right?" I nodded sheepishly and he chuckled. "Yeah I went back this summer to visit my grandparents." My mouth formed an 'O'. "I feel like our twenty questions never seize to stop." A giggle left my mouth and I looked out of the window to see us come to a stop at my house. "Thanks for the ride and the night." I turned towards him and smiled. "That's actually the first time that you've said thanks for any of the rides I gave you." "Good, then add it to your 'First times with Emarald' diary." I mocked a high pitched voice just to annoy him more but this guy doesn't back down. "First of all, It's named 'First times with Hazel' and second there are a lot of first times that I'd want to add in it." For good measures, he winked at the end and I slapped the back of his head. "Night." I stepped out of the car and he did too. I raised my brows at him. "What? I'm being a gentleman." "You are capable of that?" He huffed, annoyed and crossed his arms over his torso and I smirked. The satisfaction I felt by annoying him was undescribable and i was truly missing it this whole evening. "Don't huff, you boss baby." I laughed seeing the horrified look on his face. "Okay enough." He launched at me and picked me one arm around my waist that too very easily as for me I couldn't even budge a vein in his arm. He's got muscles. If I had them I could have picked him up. Even if you become a giant you can't pick him up. Ugh. Go become his conscience then. "Brett? Brett? Brett, let me down." I yelled at him. "Say it politely, Hazel." I looked at him dumbfounded. "Let me down." I said calmly, at least as calmly as I could. "Say please?" He smirked. "" I glared at him. "Say pretty please, Hazel?" He is so gonna get it. "You're pushing it." He put me down. I knew it, I can be intimidating. Or he might be pittying you. He walked me to the front porch of my house. "Night." I said, my hands crossed in front of my torso because of the air nipping at my bare skin. "Night, see you tomorrow." He turned around but I stood there. Think of something, anything to make him stay here. What?! What am I thinking? "Wait." This left my mouth before I could battle with my brain. He turned around so fast that I thought he got a whiplash. He didn't, I'm not that lucky. "Yeah?" His hands were in his pocket, his hairs flying in all directions because of the air and his eyes shining bright and there wasn't any sinking heavyness in them. "You're going home right?" My arms tightened around. "Yeah." He's lying because first he's not looking at me in the eyes and second he touched his hair which is only when he's nervous or he's lying. "Are you sure?" Saying outright 'You're lying' is a bit too much. "Yeah." He bit his lower lip in a frustrated manner. "You're lying." There. I said it. I can be bad in front of him but I can't let anything happen that he'd regret. "Last time I checked you're not the boss of me." His volume raised and I flinched which he noticed too but he was far into his 'I don't give a f*ck' mood to acknowledge it. "Brett please, stay here if you want." My voice was inaudible mostly and needy more than needy. "You want me here for my safety or yours." He did not just say that. Tears prickled at my eyes. His eyes softened for a moment but I turned my back to him, I know he did not mean it but hell. It hurts. It hurts so damn much. More because he was the one to say that. "Good night, Brett." Saying that I was in the house faster than light itself. I ran upstairs and quickly changed so that I could just get into my comfy bed and not think of this s**t. Think of him. I did just that and threw myself at my bed after that. Falling asleep wasn't that difficult but only one thought surrounded my brain. We could go from being friends to fighting in mere seconds.
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