Chapter five congratulations

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As the morning came Kevin and Star got out of bed to get ready for training, "I hope your ready for this," what I put them through you will go through as well," "I wouldn't have it any other way he chuckled"  they got dressed then headed outside, when they got to the training ground they saw the trainees waiting for them, alright let's do fifty laps, go now, kevin got in line and started running so did Star, by the time the laps were done they were out of breath, alright guys, drink your water up, I want to see Hannah and Penny I want you too, to fight, they both stood face to face, remember watch what you're doing, now go, Hannah stood there watching Penny, her eyes watched everything, as she balled up her fist, she swung Hannah ducked, then slid her leg knocking Penny on her ass, then elbowed on her head, Penny was out for the count, Star raised Hannah hand, "And this is why I'm having Hannah second in my command, she kicks ass and obeys commands, Kevin stood back surprised to see how Star took charged, he was very impressed, just then a pack member came storming up, grabbing Hannah but the wrist,  "Where the hell have you been?" You been. Cheating on me haven't you?" You stupid w***e," she was shocked, they decided to date until they found there mates, but they haven't found there mates just yet, and they haven't mated they had only kissed and made out, her jaw was clinched, "How dare you talk to me like this!" "You are not my mate," I am training, I told you what I was doing today, everyone stood back listening, there jaws dropped open, Star was going to interrupt, but Kevin asked her not to, Hannah will handle this, I'm sure of it, as Hannah turned to walk away from the boy. He grabbed her once more,  she turned glaring at him,   "I'm only going to ask nicely once, let go of me? "And what will happen if I don't?" His grip got tighter, you will come with me now! He tried to pull her toward him, she wouldn't move, she stood there looking at him, she watched him closely, he pulled her one last time. He turned to her. I should have known, your nothing but slut," you only wanted to be a warrior because the men, he let go of her. And was about to walk away from her, he jerked back fast, punching her in the stomach, knocking the breath out of her, she recovered fast, she balled up her fist, punching him breaking his nose, she did a swift kick knocking him on his ass, "Do not ever touch me again," "I hope whoever your mate is, will beat your ass* "if you ever lay a hand on her" she  turns walking away from him, Star was very impressed, "Hannah come here Hun," she walked over to Star, "yes mam," "Wonderful job there, I promote you to warrior," her eyes went wide, "she wanted to jump up and down and throw her arms around star, but she didn't she held her head high, "Thank you Star," you are a wonderful teacher," Star nodded, "alright guys" "tomorrow six am sharp,"and Hannah you to, she nodded and they walked off, kevin turned to Star,  "I want to go shopping, i need to get a few things, "Sure why not" let's get showers first, I'm all sweaty, he couldn't help but smirk, "your sexy when your sweaty, she rolled her eyes, come on silly, they walked back in the house. When they got back in there room, she was nervous, but she sucked it up,  let's shower together, he looked at her, "What?" say that again?" She laughed, you heard me, let's shower together, we're mates might as well see what each other has anyways, it was his turn to roll his eyes "alright you say so, he was going to get undress in the bathroom but Star started getting naked now, when she was fully undressed bra panties in all, all he did was stand there looking at her up and down, she moved past him to the bathroom, "hey you can't just do that, then just leave," "oh but I can," she wiggled her butt at him as he shook his head, he thought to himself, two can play this game, he followed her to the bathroom as he took off his shirt,  as he reached the bathroom, standing in front of her, he took his pants and boxers off, her eyes tracked from his eyes to his abs. Then to his harden c**k, her eyes wide, wondering, how the hell is that thing you going to fit inside of her, tonight she will find out, after the shopping trip, she didn't want to stay out late, just get a few things then come back, they got into the shower, he playfully brushed against her. She smirked turned and pushed herself against his chest, he could feel her breast against his chest,  "I can play this game better, I have these,  he couldn't help but laugh, alright you win, let's hurry up and shower so we can go and get back. They showered and got dressed, and left to head to the mall, twenty minutes later, they parked in the mall parking lot, then headed into the mall,  The first store they headed in was the men's clothing store, he got a few pairs of blue jeans and some t-shirts, the second store was the. Ladies clothing store, she bought shorts, bras and underwear and tshirts, then went to bed, bath body and beyond. She got a few persona! Items he did as well, she also bought lotions and a couple of bottles of her favorite perfume,, they bought new bedsheets, and three new pillows.The last store they went to was the electronics store, he bought a new phone, a tablet and a laptop, she did the same. The trip was fun as the day ended, they left the mall and headed home,  the drive home was shorter than she thought. Her plan tonight made her nervous, but she was ready, she wasn't sure if the marking each other would be painful, she was scared about that, but she will be strong, when they got to the room, they put away everything they bought, then relaxed on the couch, well we bought new bedsheets. Let's put them on the bed, they took the old sheets off the bed tossing them to the side, taking the new ones out of the bag, they both put the sheets on the bed, then the pillows, they fell onto  the bed, relaxing the sheets felt good on there bodies, taking a deep breath, she setup, I'll be right back, going to the bathroom,  heading to the bathroom, she took the bag from behind the door that she hid, she undressed then put the see through lingerie on, it showed off every curved. She attached the lacy stockings in place, then brushed out her hair, leaving it straight over her shoulders, she heard kevin, he was laughing at something funny on tv, she looked in the mirror, she thought to herself, "Not bad," taking a deep breath, she opened the bathroom door, stepping out, when kevin didn't see her. She cleared her throat, he turned looking at her, he clicked off the tv standing straight up from the bed, walking over to her. Smiling. He pulled her close to his chest inhaling her scent, whispering in her ear that sent goose bumps up and down her arms, "Are you sure about this?" She whispered back, as she inhaled his scent. Yes I am very sure, 
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