Chapter 22 Seth and Heather

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As Alpha duke called Micheal in the dungeon to clean the cells he knew what he had to do the conversation that he has with Alpha Seth, he finally knew what Michael had done, it was time for his plan, Michael can you please clean the cell out for me?" The last rogue really made a mess when we killed him, Michael step into the cell, and looked around he didn't see a sight of blood on the ground or the wall or anywhere else, he thought it was pretty weird, he realised what they were planning to do, he turned and he told Alpha Duke, "There was no way you going to lock me in this cell," before you lock me up I'll kill you and the other guards before I get locked in here, How could You side with Alpha Seth, realise that he was in trouble, I didn't side with anyone," "I just realized what you really were," you attacked another female when your mate rejected you, you cheated on her, and you think that you can get away with it, When you realize you keep running and you'll eventually get caught, there's no getting away you might as well just give up and stop running if you run we'll come after you, until your last breath, "you do realize there's no way around it," Michael was angry more angry than he ever was, get out of my way or I will break your neck, I don't want to kill you Alpha Duke, you took me in when I needed the most, So I'll tell you what get out of my way or I will snap your neck in two, Alpha Duke relized he didn't have a choice, he stepped out of the way but he told the guards to follow him, if he step foot and Alpha Seth's territory kill him, Michael ran away as fast as he could he wanted to get heather he wanted to kill her, he wanted to kill Alpha Seth, he knew he had to get a a plan together, when he realize that no one was at the gates he stood there watching the territory one of the guards saw him, he told Michael he needed to leave or he was going to end up getting killed, I give you a head start if you leave now I'll mindlink the other guards in 5 minutes and let them know to run after you and kill you," if you do not leave now I'll kill you right now, Michael looked at him like he was crazy, "You think you can kill me just like that," you think you can call the other guards to run after me and kill me," you do realise I'm the strongest guard here, I'm the one that trained you, and the other guards, I know every trick you will pull, the guard realised he knew he was right, but what Michael didn't know he knew a little trick, he pulled out a knife that was pure Silver, Michael if you do not leave now I'll kill you, you need to leave right now I've told you a few times to leave and you didn't, he took the knife sliced a cut on Michael's arm, Michael grabbed his arm screaming and pain, "My skin is burning, "what did you do!" Bo looked at him, I told you to leave didn't I," you gave me no choice but to cut you and let you know what I could really do, Micheal growled in pain, you will live to regret this, Bo looked at him, I doubt I'll ever regret cutting you, You will not heal, this dagger is pure Silver with poison, the poison will slowly kill you, Now I told you to leave if you don't, I'll stab you so deep you will die, Micheal let out a growl that even the gates shook. He turned running from the territory, when the guards leave I'll return and I will get in, Bo mindlinked all the guards, be on the lookout I just cut him he has poison in his body, that will slow him down if you find him, kill on the spot, he shut the link off, he went to the pack doctor to see Christy, this was new to him, he didn't think he would ever find his mate, but he did, and he will protect her, a few hours later.... Seth and Heather made it to a beautiful Italian restaurant, the hostess set them in a dark corner so no one will disturb them, the waiter came and took their drink order the waiter said I'll be back in a few minutes to take your food order, "enjoy your drinks," they both said thank you, they drank their drinks and they started talking they got to know each other, they laughed more than anything else, it was a great conversation Seth realised he hasn't laughed in a long time he was enjoying spending time with Heather, he couldn't believe that he had a third chance mate, she was beautiful wearing that sky blue dress, and those legs how he thought he could have them wrapped around his head, he blushed just by thinking about it, Heather smiled at him, she couldn't believe she found a second chance mate,  he was really nice to her, maybe she could fall for him she couldn't help but look into his eyes she could melt just by him looking at her, the way he laughed the way he smiled the way he talked she thought she was already falling, with everything she's been through, it seems that he was always there, she should have known that Michael was a mistake, and Seth was really her mate, but sometimes the heart can be blind and now it's wide open and she's going to try, the waiter finally came to get their food ordered, they gave their order and he left to put it in, 45 minutes later the food came and they ate, they fed each other a couple times and they laughed when some of it fell out of Seth's mouth, everything seems to be going so right tonight, soft music was playing, when Seth got done eating he asked Heather if she would like to dance, she smiled and said I would love to, they got up from the seats and started to slow dance it was just like magic they held on to each other and looked into each other's eyes Seth couldn't help but just softly kissed her on the lips, it was romantic he held her so tight to him the way she felt in his arms it was like it was a perfect fit, They danced until it was time to close, the payed the bill in left, before he opened the car door he looked into her eyes, spend the night with me. We don't have to do anything, I just want to hold you, you Heather, I just don't want to be away from you, your amazing dancer, the way you feel in my arms, I want to keep that feeling, stay with me tonight, stay with me forever, I promise I'll protect you, I'll never hurt you, I'll never cheat, I'll never want anyone else but you, he places her hand on his chest, this right here my heart, it's yours Heather, it's completely yours, I'll never take it away from you, Heather had tears in her eyes. She takes his hand, puts it on her chest, this right here, my heart is yours completely, I'll never hurt you, I'll never cheat on you, I'll never take it away from you, it's completely yours, I'll never want anyone else, they looked into each other's eyes, he pulled her close softly kissing her, he whispered to her, stay with me tonight,?" She shook her head yes, he smiled he opened the door letting her sit down, he got in the driver's side, and sped off to home, when they finally reached home, they got out of the car, they walked hand and hand in the house. Star and Kevin looked up from watching the third movie for tonight, they didn't say a word, all they had to do was look at them, they knew right away, they had falling for each other hard, they turned back to the tv, as they headed up stairs, they took off there clothes, Seth handed her one of his shirts, she inhaled his scent, as she laid in his bed, he laid beside her. He kissed her neck, all I want is to hold you tight in my arms, she nodded, she was loving how he was holding her, before she knew it, she fell asleep, it was just so easy with being in Seth's arms, he laid there inhaling her scent. It has been a long time. He fell asleep, still holding her in his arms, Micheal was running through the woods, he jumped into a tree, as the guards ran past, he shook his head, he needed a plan to get inside with out them catching him, he needed to get her out, he's going torture that b***h. How dare she, she already got another mate, a alpha as a mate, he shook his head, I'll kill her, I'll rip her apart, in burn every inch of her. He stayed up in the try until the early morning, he jumped down, he need another pack fast, better then that, he will form a pack for himself then he will destroy them, 
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